
Lich King

I can't write a review good enough to be worthy of LICH KING's unholy majesty. […]
By Matt "Wolverine" Johnson
January 6, 2015
Lich King - Do-Over album cover

I can't write a review good enough to be worthy of LICH KING's unholy majesty. Simple as that. Still, a band that is self-described as "the greatest Thash Metal band in the world" deserves "the greatest Thrash Metal review in the world" so that's why I'm writing this even if they still look down upon my lowly peasant words.

The riff masters from Greenfield, Massachusetts decided to take a selection of tracks they had previously recorded and do them over for their latest album, "Do-Over." That's pretty clever. I wish I had thought of that. Think you can do better? You're wrong. This is a band that set out with the specific intent of having no identifiable sound and to be as generic of a Thrash Metal band as they could be, but still somehow managed to fuck that up in royal fashion, which is awesome. Even a simpleton such as myself can now tell their style apart from most others in the genre. Sad for them but seeing as how they rule, it's good for me and other Thrash Metalheads throughout the lands.

That being said, LICH KING took it upon themselves to re-record some of their previously-released songs in a seven-track effort and succeeded quite effortlessly in re-mastering them. There are a few songs I think could have been included to make a more complete "greatest hits" album, but I'm not in LICH KING and my opinion doesn't matter. I do believe however that I haven't included nearly enough hyphenated phrases in this review so let me throw in a few random ones: well-executed, heart-pounding, foot-stomping, head-bashing, etc.

I'm reasonably familiar with this band prior to me writing this, so I can give a fair assessment of their talents. Whoever the fuck writes these lyrics is pretty fucking good and must have a sense of humor. Probably not intentional with the latter, but the lyrics in each song in their entire discography are usually funny all the same. The guitar riffs and solos are great and face-melting and the reliable drumming of Brian Westbrook are delightfully satisfying and mosh-inducing, even with that awful "face" he does. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just ask him to do it. This band is capable of writing in parts with styles not generally associated with Thrash, furthering their image in my mind as a gimmick band, though that is highly blasphemous and I don't really think they're a gimmick band at all.

I'll elaborate on one song in particular that has drawn much ire since they first wrote, recorded, and released it. "Black Metal Sucks" is pretty accurate lyrically-speaking, giving the Black Metal genre plenty of satyrical grief for its clothing style and other idiosyncrasies common with the scene. One major change to this song that I thought was noteworthy was the removal of the satyrical Black Metal part that was at the end of the original song, having been replaced with a jazzy, lounge-style part that is a complete departure from anything Metal, but still within the confines of a band familiar with unconventionality. The song also makes for a great sing-a-long with the kids, so be sure to give it a try.

These guys are exactly what Thrash Metal should sound like, using staples of the genre and exploiting them in glorious manner befitting of the "greatest Thrash Metal band in the world." They're straight out of the 80's, so that's cool whatever they mean by that. Anyway, they don't care if you buy the album or whatever and they're active on Facebook a lot, bashing illegal downloading then turning around and immediately publishing "Do-Over" on Bandcamp to listen for free. These guys get it and even though I wish the new album was longer, it's still representative of LICH KING and therefore earns my respect. Thanks for reading the "greatest Thrash Metal review in the world" and for fuck's sake buy some merch or go to their show or some shit.

8 / 10


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"Do-Over" Track-listing:

1. Mascot War
2. Thrashssacre
3. Predator
4. Toxic Zombie Onslaught
5. Hot For Teacher (Van Halen Cover)
6. Black Metal Sucks
7. Crossover Songs are Too Damn Short

Lich King Lineup:

Tom Martin - Vocals
Rob Pellegri - Lead Guitar
Brian Westbrook - Drums
Nick Timney - Lead Guitar
Joe Nickerson - Rhythm Guitar/Bass

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