Livre Troisième

Les Chants Du Hazard

Fans of classical music and horror might find this to their liking. I feel like I am in church again, as a young boy. But, it’s not a typical church service, because behind the façade on the stage, horrible things are being done just out of sight. It’s dark, and mysterious, and as I mentioned, the band is not without talent…it’s just not for me.
August 29, 2024

From Bandcamp, “an eight-movement, avant garde masterwork that seamlessly fuses neoclassical bombast, gothic opera, and a blackened metal spirit to manifest a sophisticated sonic grandiosity of extraordinary proportions, “Livre Troisième” is at once romantic, tragic, tortured, and triumphant. It’s breathtaking in the most literal sense treading with the emotional weight and fervor of a thousand suns.” The album has eight songs, and “Chant I – Le Moine” if first. It’s an intriguing sound…a combination of ominous music mixed with strong symphonic elements and varied vocals…and you never know what is around the corner.

“Chant II – Les Prismes” has an even darker sound, capped with the heavy strike of bells, and the child-like vocals are really a stark contrast to all of the tension in the song. “Chant III – Le Reflet” features female soprano vocals, and a more melodic and even gentle at times sound. Tension lurks in the background however, not quite entering for an introduction. “Chant IV – Salve Regina” brings back the heavy tension and ominous tones from orchestral instruments. Although it’s off the beaten path, you can’t deny the talent in the band. “Chant V – Les Milliers d’une Fois” has a strong male tenor voice, and although the music is dark and well put together, at this point in the album, I think it’s safe to say that this just isn’t for me.

“Chant VI – La Comptine” is mostly instrumental, and it spends all of its time searching quietly in the darkness of the void, where things dwell that have never been seen before. “Chant VIII – L’oubli” also features dark tones that are augmented with just enough orchestral elements to keep them at bay. Perhaps the best part of this song are the harmonized vocals…they are quite touching. Overall, fans of classical music and horror might find this to their liking. I feel like I am in church again, as a young boy. But, it’s not a typical church service, because behind the façade on the stage, horrible things are being done just out of sight. It’s dark, and mysterious, and as I mentioned, the band is not without talent…it’s just not for me.

5 / 10









"Livre Troisième" Track-listing:

1. Chant I - Le Moine

2. Chant II - Les Prismes

3. Chant III - Le Reflet

4. Chant IV - Salve Regina

5. Chant V - Les Milliers d'une Fois

6. Chant VI - La Comptine

7. Chant VII - L'oubli

8. Chant VIII - Le Repos


Les Chants Du Hazard Lineup:

Laura – Soprano

Christian – Ténor

Göran Setitus – Spoken Words


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