
Legions Of The Night

Legions of The Night the German based power metal group bring us album number three […]
August 29, 2024

Legions of The Night the German based power metal group bring us album number three “Darkness”, Their debut album “Sorrow Is The Cure” was released in 2020 during the pandemic, followed in 2022 by the sophomore release in 2022 “Hell”. Continuing with same same line up Henning Basse (Metalium, ex- Firewind, Mayan) on vocals, Jens Faber (Dawn of Destiny, Malefistum, Exo5) on guitars with Philipp Bock (Dawn Of Destiny) completing the line up on drums."Darkness"  was once again was mastered by mastermind Dennis Kohne (Orden Ogan , Sodom , Lacuna Coil) I've not heard anything by Legions Of The Night before so I am writing this review as if it is a blank canvas “No Control” has a very eerie intro and beginning to it with some hearty backing vocals, which them kicks off full flow into some hard pounding drums, heavy fast paced riffs with growling vocals with a dramatic chorus. More mid tempo “Rebirth” has a real melodic anthemic chorus that just gives the song more drama. the title track “Darkness” is dark in nature in parts, nice piano chords ,with fast paced injections of heavy riffs & rhythm which sounds good, but “Hate” and “One Moment” just sound like the previous tracks have the same song structure, dynamic, over dramatic in parts, choruses which all sound the same, which is getting a little bit tedious to listen to,

”Another Devil” as aggressive as it is with fast tempo, heavy riffs it just doesn't go nowhere different. ”Let The River Flow” finally something different a ballad ,something stripped back which has emotion with some nice vocals from Henning Basse, nice piano touches acoustic guitar great track. ”Better Men” is ballad style with some heavier moments, a little more harder aggressive vocals than the previous track with some diversity compared to the first half of the album. ”The Witches Are Burning” is a fast high octane track ,very heavy, some great guitar runs, a less dramatic chorus which really works to it's advantage within the track ,It has more of an impact not making it sound OTT. ”Leave Me” a six minute track love the acoustic intro almost medieval, the bass is very prominent in this track ,some orchestral & piano touches, which gains momentum around the four minute mark, a really cool track. ”I Don't See The Light” is power metal with some prog elements to the track, a bit hard to listen to at first, but after a couple of listens it grew on me a bit. ”Tonight He Grins Again” a Savatage cover closes the album, a great song in every way, in fact one of the best tracks for me, but not ever hearing the original I don't know how faithfully close it is.

Well all I can say about “Darkness” is that I did not really think the first half of the album was great ,the songs were all the same style and it was hard listening for me personally, some parts were too dramatic for me & too manic and moody, I just couldn't get into it.. But the second half of the album was more diverse, more originality, better songs which I enjoyed more. Its not a terrible album but for me ,but not a classic album either, which I doubt I will listen to in full again only the odd track.

5 / 10









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"Darkness" Track-listing:

1.No Control




5.One Moment

6.Another Devil

7.Let The River Flow

8.Better Men

9.The Witches Are Burning

10.Leave Me

11.I Don't See The Light

12.Tonight He Grins Again

Legions Of The Night Lineup:

Henning Basse -Vocals

Jens Faber – Guitars

Philipp Bock – Drums

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