Sons Of The Jackal

Legion Of The Damned

I was aware of the existence of this band but I wasn't lucky enough to […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
January 28, 2007
Legion Of The Damned - Sons Of The Jackal album cover

I was aware of the existence of this band but I wasn't lucky enough to have a taste from their debut album Malevolent Rapture (2006). I had heard good things about them and it was about time to see if these guys are worth their reputation. To tell you the truth, I couldn't expect something less than a good release since this band is a kind of an all-star band! Don't tell me that while looking at the line up you didn't understand a thing!
Formed in 1992, LEGION OF THE DAMNED were formerly known as OCCULT. They were forced to change their name because their former singer Rachel Heyzer-Kloosterwaard (ex-SINISTER, INFINITED HATE, PATHOLOGY, SACRAMENTAL SACHEM) was no longer a member of the band. Consisting of members of bands like INHUME, DISGORGE and BESTIAL SUMMONING, the deathsters signed a contract with Massacre. There, they released their debut album and now, their second full-length work.
As I mentioned above, I haven't listened to their first album so I can't compare Sons Of The Jackal to it. It may be due to the continuous attack of Greek shitty Pop music the last days, but I found this album filled with passion and incredible rawness. No, it is not an album that is full of new ideas and experimental stuff, but it is an album that grabs your balls until you surrender to its power. In Sons Of The Jackal you can find the rawness of BOLT THROWER, the brutality of VADER, the thrashy riffing style of KATAKLYSM, and for all of you who followed my advice and bought the last DEATHCHAIN album, this is one more album that will look beautiful next to it. Based on the European Death Metal style, LEGION OF THE DAMNED created an album that even though has nothing new to offer to Death Metal, still manages to sound fresh. There is no way you will get bored or skip tracks. The album is full of great riffs! The guitars really spit poison! The production is awesome and makes the sound heavy enough to blow your brains on the wall. Dear friends, this is European Death Metal at its best!
There are no excuses! If you wake up and instead of soft songs you listen to GRAVE or UNLEASHED, this album is the perfect for you. I won't say buy or die and stuff like that. I will just say that I am already looking forward to their next release!

8 / 10


"Sons Of The Jackal" Track-listing:

Son Of The Jackal
Undead Stillborn
Avenging Archangel
Death Is My Master (Slay For Kali)
Sepulchral Ghoul
Seven Heads They Slumber
Infernal Wrath
Ten Horns Arise

Legion Of The Damned Lineup:

Maurice - Vocals
Richard - Guitar
Harold - Bass
Erik - Drums

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