Iron Scorn

Legion of Andromeda

OK, I would like to start with a warning. World is full of strange things; […]
By Dominik "Chelu" Cheliński
March 15, 2015
Legion of Andromeda - Iron Scorn album cover

OK, I would like to start with a warning. World is full of strange things; the things we're not used to. I had to show this album to a few people before writing this review and the reaction was the same almost every time. They were speechless. I also was really anxious when I pressed play for the first time.

LEGION OF ANDROMEDA consists of 2 people. This operating in Tokyo project was formed in 2012, and their 44 minutes long debut thing was released this year on 20th February. This thing is "Iron Scorn". Why Do I call this "a thing"? Well, it's surely harder to explain than the technical side of this album. I think it's most primitive, but at the same time one of the most expressionistic opus I have ever had to deal with. I'd prefer to call this as the piece of modern art, than ordinary extreme music. Mesmerizing, corse drums. Repetitive, clanging, tapping, droning. Low riffs, similar to each other accompanied by booming growl. It's pure, brutal Noise. The hells manifesto. The call of the void. Infinitely extending lament. Hatred in its purest form. Hard to listen to, and understand.

Sitting and listening to this is at least a great challenge. For many it's torment. The production was made by Steve Albini. He is said to be a music rebel, so his contribution isn't so surprising. We all know that metal music likes to breaks the schemes. LEGION OF ANDROMEDA went further. I'm not exaggerating when - "Iron Scorn" with its severity causes dimension. Its harshness, specific message and form made me a lot troubled. One of my friends called this the most underground thing he had ever listened to. I had no idea how to rate this album, so I'll stay with it "has potential". I admire the authors for this great piece of art, I may even be a bit too careful with the rating. Find the album on Bandcamp and listen to the entirety. But remember, you have been warned.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Iron Scorn" Track-listing:

1. Transuranic Ejaculation
2. Cosmo Hammer
3. Overlord Of Thunder
4. Scourge Of Pestilence
5. Sociopathic Infestation
6. Aim At The Starless Sky
7. Fist Of Hammurabi

Legion of Andromeda Lineup:

-M - Guitars, Machinery
-R - Vocals

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