Time Immortal Wept

Some bands prefer to use approaches different from the formulas defined by BATHORY on “Blood Fire Death” and “Hammerheart”, and SKYCLAD on “The Wayward Sons of Mother Earth” and “A Burnt Offering for the Bone Idol”, trying to find what is laying on the sands of time, what MANOWAR, IRON MAIDEN, SAXON and some others tried during the 80s.But the North American trio LEGENDRY took it a bit far on “Time Immortal Wept”, their forth full length.
Musically, the main core of their music lays on a form of traditional Heavy Metal used by North American acts (again: fine care on arrangements and melodies, traces of Hard Rock of the 70s and a good technical level) with a clean set of influences of Pagan and Folk music Of course it’s heavy and melodic, but the epic feeling that fills the song thanks to the influences described above boost things to a level of personality that’s really great (hear to “The Prophecy” to have a deeper understanding of what such words are trying to express). It’s different, melodic and with clear hooks, with a magnificent energy and an appeal that no one can resist to. Then surrender to it!
“Time Immortal Wept” was produced, engineered, mixed, and mastered by Arthur Rizk (the same one who worked with KREATOR), with the album being recorded live in studio (maybe to have a more organic feelings), and Vidarr did the overdubs at his Highest Dungeon Lowest Peak studio (as he did the cover as well). The sonority could be a bit better, but’s not hard to understand what’s being expressed by the trio, and the levels of aggressiveness give weight to the songs. And there are two guests on the album: Drea on the backing vocals on “The Prophecy”, and Dee C. on the violin on “The Bard’s Tale”, “The Prophecy” and on the title track. “Time Immortal Wept” is a conceptual release, the second part of a trilogy written by the band, so it’s the main reason for its musical richness.
On part one of the album are “The Bard’s Tale” (a more introspective intro based on Folk elements with deeper singing of the vocals), “Sigil Strider” (a mix between Heavy Metal weight with sharp and good guitar riffs and solos with clear Pagan/Folk music influences on the ambiences), “The Prophecy” (a song of more than 8 minutes, so it’s rich in contrasts between tender and melodic parts with heavier moments and Folk/Epic elements, but always with a charming set of hooks and a very good work on bass guitar and drums), and “Warrior of Space and Time” (it’s in a more Heavy Metal traits, full of energy and melodies, with some faster parts).
Part two is composed by “The Winds Between Worlds” (an epic intro based on keyboards and effects), “Chariots of Bedlam” (another Heavy Metal focused song with melancholic epic parts created by keyboards), “The Bard’s Reverie” (the charming contrast given by guitars and keyboards is really excellent), and “Time Immortal Wept” (a long song contrasting epic parts with heavier moments, showing excellent work on bass guitar and drums, and fine vocals).
It’s clear that LEGENDRY has a lot to give to the fans, and “Time Immortal Wept” is an excellent release, indeed.
8 / 10

"Time Immortal Wept" Track-listing:
- The Bard’s Tale
- Sigil Strider
- The Prophecy
- Warrior of Space and Time
- The Winds Between Worlds
- Chariots of Bedlam
- The Bard’s Reverie
- Time Immortal Wept
Legendry Lineup:
Vidarr the Silent - Guitars, Vocals, Mellotron, Hammond Organ, Mandolin, Taiko Drum, Piccolo Bass, Glockenspiel, Tubular bells, Chimes, Gong
Arcane Hammer - Bass, Piccolo Bass, Summoning
Kicker - Drums, Percussion, Chimes, Gong
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