Charging The Field
January 30, 2018

LEGEND is a Blackened Progressive Metal band from Missouri, USA. Their material is written about ancient civilizations and cosmic creations. With influences like RUSH, WINTERSUN, and OPETH; the band released "Charging The Field" in October 2017. It comes in with four tracks and a listening time of right at 25 minutes, with no track being under the five-minute mark; it's a classic indication of a more Progressive piece.
Track one, "Charging the Field", comes in with a deep power. The guitars are immaculate, and you can feel the bass in your chest. The drums feel a bit muted, but they are so quick and expertly done. Even the keyboards add a sense of depth to this track. The vocals are spit from the abyss. The classic "Blackened" vocal, if you will. Their musicianship is exceptional and this first track is dripping with it. The Progressiveness mixed with the vocals is a stark contrast, and these guys killed it, all while adding in additional elements to keep their niche, all their own.
"Rebirth" and "Sailing the Ice Seas of Europe"; the middle tracks, are again littered with varying elements throughout that would cause genera specific only listeners to turn their heads. There is so much Death, Technical, Progressive, Symphonic, Folk, and Traditional Metals riddled throughout, LEGEND is on course to be the 'everything' band, and you know what? They do 'everything' remarkably well.
The final track, "Locusts of Man", comes in hard and fast. This track, coming in at just over seven minutes, really gives us an idea of what these guys are capable of. The melody produced here makes it hard to sit still, even on the first go. There is so much to catch. The background melody that gently slides into full focus, the bass line that keeps it insanely low, but captures the absolute depth of the track, and the vocals that range from spitfire, to guttural, to softly clean is just a testament to the art these guys can create.
LEGEND's "Charging the Field" is an intense adventure. I enjoyed this from beginning to the end; and after multiple listens, I still find it just as enjoyable. This is musicianship to the max. It's fantastic music with elements that will impress even the pickiest Metalhead.
10 / 10

"Charging The Field" Track-listing:
1. Charging the Field
2. Rebirth
3. Sailing the Ice Seas of Europe
4. Locusts of Man
Legend Lineup:
Ryan Vincent - Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, and Vocals
Jesse Schobel - Percussion and Keyboards
Joe Bodenhamer - Guitar and Vocals
Mark Kloeppel - Guitar and Vocals
Aaron Meacham - Bass
Jai Sessrumnir - Keyboards
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