Ex Umbra In Lucem


This album has it all…outstanding musicianship, full, rich sounds from the orchestral arrangements, and enough hate and hellfire to cast an angel down to the pit and burn him through.
July 21, 2024

From their EPK, “Copenhagen-based extreme metallers LAMENTARI will release their eagerly awaited debut album "Ex Umbra In Lucem" on May 24th. The Danish sextet is a force to be reckoned with in the realm of symphonic black metal, seamlessly blending the darkness of metal with the grandeur of a roaring orchestra. Drawing inspiration from cinematic maestros such as Howard Shore and John Williams, LAMENTARI crafts a sonic tapestry that is both dark and majestic. Influenced by the virtuosity of Yngwie Malmsteen and the atmospheric depth of Dimmu Borgir, this band creates a haunting yet captivating musical experience that transports listeners through ethereal and infernal sonic realms.”

The album has eight songs, and “Spiritus Noctis” is first, and it’s an introduction, leading to “Tenebrae,” and it comes out of the gate with a charged, assertive aggressiveness. The symphonic elements are definitely noticeable, but they support the sound rather than overtaking it. “Tragoedia In Domo Dei” has a dark sound rich in orchestral features, and it’s another that burns the earth beneath it as it passes. It is also deeply expansive, and the listener is treated to what looks like the magnanimous entrance to Hell. The slow passage gives you just enough time to catch your breath and is done with meaty bass notes.

“Intra Muros Mentis” has some melody, particularly in the guitar work, to go along with the horrid, shadowy sound. It expands to a full, rich palate that is sprinkled with just enough symphonic elements. “Appugno” has more chaotic sound that is also structured with a meaningful approach to songwriting, and there are some classical elements in some of the chord progressions, showcasing the band’s abilities. “Dolorum Memoria” is a lengthy seven minutes, and it opens with some very well-done clean guitar runs. The vocals are whispered at first, and this song takes on a whole different sound. The harsh passage that follows is deeply lamenting.

“Spiritus Diurnus” is a shorter song again, with slowed, clean tunes, designed to get the listener to take a break towards the final climax. The strings are absolutely beautiful. “Arcanum Ignis Animae” closes the album, the sound explodes into your ears…frantic drumming, horrid vocals, plenty of orchestra, and thick, overgrown riffs. This album has it all…outstanding musicianship, full, rich sounds from the orchestral arrangements, and enough hate and hellfire to cast an angel down to the pit and burn him through.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Ex Umbra In Lucem" Track-listing:

1. Spiritus Noctis

2. Tenebrae

3. Tragoedia In Domo Dei

4. Intra Muros Mentis

5. Appugno

6. Dolorum Memoria

7. Spiritus Diurnus

8. Arcanum Ignis Animae


Lamentari Lineup:

Daniel Lønberg – Vocals

Emil Holst Partsch – Guitars

Michael Møller – Guitars

Jamie de la Sencerie – Bass

Max Uldahl – Keyboards, Orchestration

Thomas Mascagni – Drums


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