
In Mesopotamian religion, Lamashtu was known as “the most terrible of all female demons, daughter of the sky god Anu.” In Sweden today LAMASHTU is better known as a Symphonic/ Avant-garde Metal band. LAMASHTU formed in 2015 and have released four full-length albums. In November 2024 they signed with WormHoleDeath Productions who promptly announced the re-issue of the band’s fourth album, Längtan, on December 13, 2024. It is a well-deserved rebirth of an album sure to claw its way into the cranial cavities of metalheads the world over.
It's hard to categorize LAMASHTU. It’s tempting to lump them into the female-fronted Symphonic subgenre, but one listen should disabuse people of that mistake. There is an eeriness to the band. The vocals, though clean and highly harmonic, verge on the edge of sinister if not maniacal. That, coupled with aggressive riffage and cinematic melodies, give the band’s music a larger than life (or death) feel. They have a slight Folk vibe, but their narratives are more demonic in nature, so that Folk vibe turns in on itself and almost becomes occult.
And, indeed, across nine tracks spanning up to 55 minutes, Längtan “tells the haunting tale of Joar, continuing the saga first introduced in Tro (‘Faith’). This rich narrative continues and explores the world of Eli which starts in ancient Mesopotamia. Throughout the saga she encounters strange and mysterious creatures, bringing about a transformative journey together with demons and Joar by her side.”
The songs are all sung in Swedish which adds a flare of authenticity—and for non-Swedes, an air of exoticness. It’s very difficult to isolate standout tracks as they’re all impressive. My favs include “Du är vad du är” (trans: you are what you are) because it captures the unique style that is LAMASHTU—the menacing edge, the ever-shifting composition, the grit and the vim; “Du var” (trans: you were) because of the way it seduces the listener with siren sweetness before slaying with, well, siren lethality; and “Slakata dina barn” (trans: slaughter your children) for the gorgeous acoustic guitar work and, again, the haunting vocal harmonies.
LAMASHTU pushes the boundaries of Symphonic Metal with Längtan. It’s creepy and melodic and compelling all at once. A great discovery for new fans; a reaffirmation for returning fans.
8 / 10

"Längtan" Track-listing:
1. Du är vad du är
2. Ett svek
3. Du var
4. Alla djur
5. Res dig
6. Sov mitt barn
7. Slakta dina barn
8. Små steg
9. Mer än allt
Lamashtu Lineup:
Sigge Fabiansson – Drums
Jakob Lundgren – Guitars
Andreas Wandegren – Guitars (session)
Anders Muammar – Keyboards
Lovisa Lindgren – Vocals
Daniel Gustafsson – Vocals
Sandra Mattsson – Vocals
Mimmi Kemppainen – Vocals, vocals (session)
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