Longing For The Incomplete

Kouzin Bedlam

Musical fusion and musical diversity is something I've always been welcoming of in music I […]
By MarcusTheRocker
January 5, 2015
Kouzin Bedlam - Longing For The Incomplete album cover

Musical fusion and musical diversity is something I've always been welcoming of in music I listen to and review as more often then not, the results can be pretty spectacular and you get some excellent music to listen to. There have been cases however when I've heard music that has failed to achieve this as the diversity or fusion used has led to some below average music which is okay but not great. The band featured in today's review are a band who have used a total of three genres of Metal in their music and they have a new album out which uses these three genres and I shall now see if the results of using multiple genres has led to good music or crap music.

The band in question are called KOUZIN BEDLAM and their new album "Longing for the Incomplete" is out now on Inverse Records. Hailing from Finland, this band have been a long work in progress over the years ever since the guitarist started playing at a young age. Over the years that followed, other musicians became involved and in 2008, a demo was made so they could get a feel for record labels to sign them and sure enough that is exactly what happened and now the time has come for their debut album to be unleashed upon the world.

The 10 track debut album from KOUZIN BEDLAM, entitled "Longing for the Incomplete" incorporates a mixture of Heavy, Power and Progressive Metal and it seems to tell a story of some kind throughout the album although what that story is I have no idea. What I can tell from listening to it is that they have done their research properly and each of the three genres they have used sound exactly like they should do and the music is clear as a result.

The album opens up with a short instrumental called "Ordo Ab Chao" before launching into the heavy opening track "The Accusation of Job" followed by eight more tracks which are a mixture of Heavy, Power and Progressive Metal including "Never Come Home Again", "Psychonaut", "Shadows in the Dark" and the title track "Longing for the Incomplete". The only track that seems to baffle me is "Crash Test" as the band seems to have recorded a song, spliced it up and ordered it a bit weirdly as it jumps from section to section constantly so it sounds very messy and all over the place but whether or not that was the intention is a mystery to me.

So far so good right? Well, sort of as there is only one thing I find a bit off putting at times and that is the vocals. They're not bad as there are some moments on the album where the vocals stand out better, but there are some moments when I think the singer attacks the songs with a little too much savagery so it does sound a little bit forced at times and often the lyrics can be a bit hard to make out as a result. Fortunately though there are moment where the vocals stand out better as there's less savagery in the performance and it's in those places where the vocalist shines best.

Verdict time now and the long awaited debut from KOUZIN BEDLAM is actually not too bad and despite any issues I may have addressed or pointed out in this review, its quite good for what it is as the use of not one, not two but three different genres of Metal music seems to work well here and the result is enjoyable albeit a couple of minor issues here and there but for the most part it's a good debut album.

7 / 10


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"Longing For The Incomplete" Track-listing:

1. Ordo Ab Chao
2. The Accusation of Job
3. Pavane for a Dead Princess
4. Never Come Home Again
5. Shadows in the Dark
6. Psychonaut
7. Oxygen
8. Return to the Caves
9. Crash Test
10. Longing For The Incomplete

Kouzin Bedlam Lineup:

Stefan Nyman - vocals
Christian Nyman - guitars
Mikael "Skogge" Skogberg - bass
Sebastian "Kebu" Teir - keyboards
Hans Becker - drums

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