To Have And To Unhold


German attack! Koroded are back again with their new release To Have And To Unhold […]
By Georgia
April 2, 2006
Koroded - To Have And To Unhold album cover

German attack! Koroded are back again with their new release To Have And To Unhold and they seem to have changed a lot since their previous release, The Absurd Beauty Of Being Alone (2004). Moving in Metalcore paths, Koroded did a great job this time, with the obvious help of their friend and colleague Jacob Bretal (Hatesphere) behind the production of the album.
Their new musical approach is more mature I would dare to say, compared to their past work. A solid album with catchy tracks (I kept on singing their tracks even some hours after I had finished listening to the album!), nice melodies and smart passages going from 'core to the more Emo points using variable vocal patterns, changing from raw and scratchy lines to a more clean and smooth sound. SO heavy, harsh, raspy guitars and alternating tempo drums: all of them with an above average performance!
As regards the lyrical part, Jan Roeder has chosen to express their worries and feelings from political and social commentary to a more personal aspect referring to experiences, relationships, friendships that go bad and are unfortunately replaced by helplessness and abandonment in everyday life while we are losing control of all those situations.
If I had to choose the coolest tracks, I would say that Zero Minus Zero and Scaretrade could kick some ass and blow up some speakers. The only negative part for me is that I can't really rate it with 4 or 4.5, because I would like them to take their bright ideas and put them into a more innovative form in order to create top albums! The artwork is really beautiful and I believe that it represents the content of this release.
Easy to be listened, To Have And To Unhold can easily make some heads move in Koroded's groove! There is no way of getting bored at any point. I guarantee you that.

7 / 10


"To Have And To Unhold" Track-listing:

Zero Minus Zero
God Of Nothingness
The Night The Earth Stood Still
In Love With Memories
With Courage Of Despair
The Good Old Bad Times
People Of The Abyss

Koroded Lineup:

Jan R?der - Vocals
Andreas Leifeld - Guitar
Frank Fleckenstein - Guitar
XXX - Bass
Ben Overmann - Drums

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