Full Kontact


Full Kontact is the first full album from the Heavy Metal band hailing from Calgary, […]
March 3, 2024

Full Kontact is the first full album from the Heavy Metal band hailing from Calgary, Canada known as Kontact. This is the follow up to the 2022 EP “First Kontact”. Looking at their Bandcamp page they describe themselves as “ Canadian Heavy Metal Music From Beyond”. Sounds interesting and different and judging by the band members names I suspect that it is going to be just that!

 The album kicks off with the opening track “Emperor Of Dreams” ,it has a nice intro, really heavy guitars and riffs follow with vocals that remind me a little bit like Dave Mustaine in places. There is a bit of a twist with the synths and effects intwining into that Heavy Metal Sound which in places does work pretty well. ”Doppelganger” carries on really in the same vain as the opener the drums from Unknown sound really good and are prominent throughout this track ,the vocals sound a bit strange I can’t quite put my finger on it yet. ”Heavy Leather” is the best track on the album for me it sounds like the NWOBM of the early 80’s very much in the vain of Priest & Venom ,those heavy guitars ,fast and hard drums, vocals are pretty good by The Alien on this track too.”(The Return of) Astral Vampire is a Thrash Metal Track old school style some great guitars and drums but I am still not sure about the vocals they don’t sound right for me. ”Ixaxar” ,”Watching At The Edge Of Time” are ok tracks but then I don't know what happens “Bloodchild” is the worst track on the album the vocals for me are not that great sound a bit like Alice Cooper but also strange at the same time not what I would expect to sound like from a band in these genre.

The album closes with “Spectral Fire” which is a poor track the vocals yet again are not strong enough. “Full Kontact” is a bit of a strange one for me. They are some great guitar riffs and drums ,with the synths which is a little bit different and do blend together very well in places, but I just don’t get the vocals I found them to be off putting and strange, also sounding in different styles and inconsistent and not that great .If all the tracks were like “Heavy Leather” which is a great track, then this would be a pretty good Heavy Metal album but sadly I find this to not be the case on this occasion.

5 / 10









"Full Kontact" Track-listing:

1.Emperor Of Dreams


3.Heavy Leather

4.(The Return Of) Astral Vampire


6.Watcher At The Edge Of Time


8.Spectral Fire


Kontact Lineup:

The Alien - Vocals & Bass

Matt B1257+12 Z - Guitars

Morh Morf Xela - Guitars

Unknown = Drums

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