
Kivimetsan Druidi

Folk and symphonic Metal are two genres, many times combined, of our beloved music; they […]
By Harry Papadopoulos
October 15, 2008
Kivimetsan Druidi - Shadowheart album cover

Folk and symphonic Metal are two genres, many times combined, of our beloved music; they are like mini skirts, when Twiggy firstly wore one. Mini skirts were in fashion and almost every woman ran to buy and wear one, regardless their appearance. Same thing is happening with all those bands and the labels. Just put the word bands instead of mini skirts and labels instead of women.

KIVIMETSAN DRUIDI is one of those bands. The band was formed in 2002 by the Koskinen brothers. In their small bio at the back of the promo the only thing that I read was that they had many lineup changes before staring the recordings of their debut album and that they played a lot of live shows.

Remember what I wrote in the first paragraph? Well, there were some women that looked really nice and sexy in those mini skirts and some others looked disgusting. Of course you can stare for hours a beautiful woman and not just for one time. There are others that are quite good but you always bring in your mind someone better, so, yes, you will look at her for some while but then you'll turn again your head to those that are the top of the tops. As for the ones that no one would stand to stare more than a sec, you may look at her for a couple of sec more if she has a nice breast but...well, you all got the point I think. KIVIMETSAN DRUIDI are in that category. They may have some good ideas, but that's all. Their symphonic/folk Metal is something that we all have heard before. They are talking about the battle between good and evil, hate, forgiveness and those finite subjects.  The lyrics are in English and Finnish, as every folk Metal band that respect itself has, and the music has exactly all those cliches you can find in this genre.

As a conclusion, this band will probably sell quite a lot of copies of its debut album "Shadowheart", just because they are in fashion. The album, technically speaking, is good, but that's not enough. The band has a lot of work to do in order to do something good. We are supposed to be non-fashion victims, well we are sometimes, but that's another story, so if you like folk/symphonic Metal, just pass by for the moment.

3 / 10


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"Shadowheart" Track-listing:

Northwind - Prelude
Jaassa Varttunut
Halls of Shadowheart
Pedon Loitsu
The Tyrant
Tiarnach - Verinummi
Korpin Laulu
Mustan Valtikan Aika

Kivimetsan Druidi Lineup:

Joni Koskinen - Harsh Vocals & Guitar
Antti Koskinen - Synth
Antti Rinkinen - Guitar
Simo Lehtonen - Bass
Atte Marttinen - Drums
Leeni-Maria Hovila - Female Vocals

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