
Kivanc Kilicer

KIVANC KILICER started his career as the front-man for the hard and heavy band ELEMENT. […]
January 15, 2015
Kivanc Kilicer - Gravity album cover

KIVANC KILICER started his career as the front-man for the hard and heavy band ELEMENT. This EP contains three tracks. After composing and releasing 2 studio albums with the band, he focused on his pending international solo project "Gravity", where he found himself exploring various combinations of contrast tunes and blending them with pure hard rock sound. With a hybrid of metal, electronic and symphonic music and with its mind-bending lyrics written by famous English poet John Dryden on 1668, "Dew on Roses", first EP of "Gravity" project, harbors many of the similar feelings shared by all of us: A special awakening moment in our short lives. The first track is called "Devil's Thought." I love the multitude of different instruments that leads the opening. When the main riff is delivered, it is assertive and melodic at the same time. Vocally, Kivanc uses a dirty sort of delivery in the verses, and more wide open cleans in the supercharged chorus. More than anything, I find it to be fresh AOR type of Rock/Metal, where the focus is on quality songwriting, and memorable harmonies. In the guitar solo section for example, Kivanc focuses on more of the main melody line rather than a blazing collection of notes that may not necessarily fit. The second track, "Dew on Roses" has another strong entrance; a more sinister sounding riff that is supported well by background instrumentation. The vocals are delivered with an eerie echo that sounds like he is inside a metal tube or sorts. When the chorus kicks in, I hear some pleasing Progressive Metal elements here that remind me of DREAM THEATER. I think the chorus could have been a bit thicker and meatier to really display the culmination of the power in the verses. "One of a Kind" is the final track. A dancing piano melody leads the opening. Once again the main riff is full, thick and withstanding. The lead guitar passages really accentuate the song, as do the vocal harmonies in the chorus. Overall, I find that this is a very strong EP and I would be very interested in hearing more from this band. Lying somewhere between the Rock and Metal genres, it is fresh, energetic and memorable.<

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Gravity" Track-listing:

1. Dew on Roses
2. Devil's Thought
3. One of a Kind

Kivanc Kilicer Lineup:

Kivanc Kilicer - Vocals, Guitars
Murat Cum - Bass
Gursu Erden - Drums

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