The New Dark Age


Ok, after having some thoughts, I decided to rate the Finnish bands with a lower […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
April 26, 2008
Kiuas - The New Dark Age album cover

Ok, after having some thoughts, I decided to rate the Finnish bands with a lower rating than what the other bands get. I have a really hard time with their names and last names! Just kidding of course! Even thought the name KIUAS is a little bit strange, I was prepared for something classic from the ice cold country. Thank god these proved I was wrong. They may not be anything exciting, but they surely can be something exciting.

The Finnish metallers were formed in 2000 and despite the fact that this is the first time I hear the name KIUAS, they have released a respectable amount of stuff. They debuted with the EP Winter In June (2004) while being a part of the Rage Of Achilles label. The following year, they left their label to sign a contract with Spinefarm Records, a label that nurtures them under its wings until today.

With their third full-length album, KIUAS (which is Finnish for a stove used in sauna, funny name, isn't it?) present a powerful mixture of Power Metal with a great amount of heaviness. Many people say that this band also features some melodic Death Metal elements. I do not totally agree with that, since this band is mainly a Heavy/Power Metal band. There are parts that you may think that you are listening to CHILDREN OF BODOM with clean vocals. But let's not forget that CHILDREN OF BODOM are mainly a Power Metal band with some slight Thrash Metal touches. Ok, there may be 1-2 moments where the singer does something like brutal vocals, but that's it.

The band is based on its really nice guitar work and the singer's unique voice. His style really didn't remind of someone else. Correct me if I am wrong. Markku is also a really drummer adding quite some groove and heaviness to the band's music. One more thing that helps the band is the great sound they have managed to have, but I unfortunately don't know who was responsible for the production. So, don't miss the chance to check them out and see what they are all about. People that want their music heavy and melodic, while also a bit crunchy will definitely find this album interesting.


7 / 10


"The New Dark Age" Track-listing:

The Decaying Doctrine
Kiuas War Anthem
The New Dark Age
To Excel And Ascend
Black Rose Withered
After The Storm
Of Sacrifice, Loss And Reward
The Summoning
The Wanderer's Lamentation

Kiuas Lineup:

Ilja Jalkanen - Vocals
Mikko Salovaara - Guitar
Teemu Tuominen - Bass
Markku Nreneva - Drums
Atte Tanskanen - Keyboards

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