Ounce Of Mercy, Pound Of Flesh

King Carnage

America must be lucky this year to have a newborn Death Metal project that has […]
By Azmo Lozmodial
July 25, 2013
King Legba And The Loas - King Legba And The Loas album cover

America must be lucky this year to have a newborn Death Metal project that has the ability to butcher your ears, the debut album "Ounce Of Mercy, Pound Of Flesh" released by BadGod Music and it will be a great piece of gory Death Metal for all the fans of extreme Metal in the world, so prepare yourself for a bloody experience that will summon all the influences of the early 90s old school Death Metal bands.

The sound that The Left Hand tried to make on this record is totally raw, and the cold garage production made me feel like the album has been recorded before 1995, where most of the Death Metal bands used to have a very raw and rough sound. The guitars are tuned down to break your neck and the solos sound so sharp inside the ancient texture of the structures, the total sound of this album will send dust from your speakers and turn your room into an antique place full of down-tuned melodies. The sound of the drums is really oppressed in this mess, the snares are the only clear thing that you can follow while listening to the drum-lines, which makes the total production sounds dusty.

When the album started playing, the speakers filled the whole atmosphere with the old Swedish Death Metal era, tracks like "Scion's Salvation" and "Archetype of Evil" are enough to explain my point. Some tracks like "Provakate, Evizerate, Emasikate" and "Lord Sabotage" have more aggressive sound than the others, and the riffing are more vital and wrackful, many bands such GRAVE and ENTOMBED have crossed my mind when I heard these tracks. The fans of the modern Death Metal fans and the crowd of the melodic Death Metal scene will not like the sound of this album it, because it has been made to satisfy those who're hungry for the old school Death Metal sound, so if you are expecting something else, then this is not the right album for you.

This debut album is really solid, and its recommended for the Death Metal fans (only the old school Death Metal ones), but somehow I didn't like the final result of the production, I know it sounds totally dark and dusty, but the mixture of instruments doesn't sound right for my ears, so I wish the next albums will have the same ferocity but with better production, so the sound of the riffs can reach my ears clearer.

"Ounce Of Mercy, Pound Of Flesh" is a firm and dusty debut album, though the production is confusing somehow, but the materials are good and promising, I will be waiting more releases for this one-man band.

7 / 10


"Ounce Of Mercy, Pound Of Flesh" Track-listing:

1. Blade Efficacy
2. In Death Overshadow Thee (The Coffin Squeeze)
3. Provakate, Evizerate, Emasikate
4. Lord Sabotage
5. Scion's Salvation (The Flesh Foundry)
6. Ounce Of Mercy, Pound Of Flesh
7. Archetype Of Evil
8. Making Angels In Blood

King Carnage Lineup:

The Left Hand - All Instruments, Vocals, Songwriting

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