Across The Ages


KHAELYS is a Symphonic Metal band from Strasbourg in France. The group was formed in […]
By Katarzyna Zakolska
March 16, 2015
Khaelys - Across The Ages album cover

KHAELYS is a Symphonic Metal band from Strasbourg in France. The group was formed in 2008 and released: "Renewall" (Demo in 2008), "Darkest Hours" (Full-length album in 2009), "Pandore" (Demo in 2012), "Khaelys" (Demo in 2013) and in 23rd January 2015 new album "Across The Ages".

The opening "Across the Ages", is genial with a gentle violin, symphonic sounds, heavier riffs and a clear rhythmic section. The stronger track, "Destiny", also has nice elements of Symphonic Metal and Progressive change rate. The growling man and gentle female singing sounds amazing together! The epic climate in "My Disgrace" is just amazing with melodic singing by both vocalists, the flute, and impressive clear instruments.

I really like "A Thousand Things" with the duo of singing - growling Stéphane Côme and the clear melodic vocal of Anaïs Sieffert sounds really nice. Also, the progressive stronger riffs are so fabulous with a faster drum rate. The chorus is memorable here with clear singing by both vocalists. "Lies" is a fine energetic track with Symphonic echoes and stronger riffs with amazing progressive rhythmic section and fine keys - that shows how guys can connect all of opposite sounds. Heavier riffs and impressive Progressive rhythm, together with gentle singing by Anaïs Sieffert, is in "Reminiscence".

Just listen to the track "Order and Chaos", which is a build of growing atmosphere with symphonic elements, heavier riffs, a clear rhythmic section with NIGHTWISH influences, gorgeous choirs, and what a gorgeous solo, which gives me goose-flesh. The organ sounds impressive in the opening of "Call from the Darkness", also with nice riffs and even opera singing by the female vocalist, give true beauty to this song and make here a fabulous climate.

Also worth listening to are: the powerful "Torments from the Past", with keys, nice duo vocals and WITHIN TEMPTATION influences, "Abyss", with lower guitars, progressive rhythmical section and symphony sounds, "The Weight of Time", where there are gentle sounds, progressive drums, and bass with brilliant singing, and "Shades of Pain", where the Death Metal growling sounds impressive with beautiful gentle singing by the female.

KHAELYS is an excellent band and the production of the album is on a high level. Inside are power, energy, and melodic! Their music shows the experience of the musicians in Symphonic Metal, with modern echoes and with Progressive and Death Metal elements. I'm very impressed with how they mix heaviness with calmer sounds. I highly recommend this release to every Symphonic and Progressive Metal fan!<

8 / 10


"Across The Ages" Track-listing:

1. Across the Ages
2. Destiny
3. Abyss
4. Shades of Pain
5. The Weight of Time
6. A Thousand Things
7. Lies
8. Call from the Darkness
9. My Disgrace
10. Reminiscence
11. Torments from the Past
12. Order and Chaos

Khaelys Lineup:

Stéphane Côme - Bass, Vocals
Jonathan Jumeau - Keyboards, Samples
Guillaume Kempf - Guitars
Gildas Le Fur - Guitars
Gautier Desmyttere - Drums
Anaïs Sieffert - Vocals

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