Mirage Reflection

Kevin Serra

I've never really been a big fan of instrumental albums, so when I received "Mirage […]
By Jeff Legg
July 30, 2014
Kevin Serra - Mirage Reflection album cover

I've never really been a big fan of instrumental albums, so when I received "Mirage Reflection", the debut album from guitar virtuoso KEVIN SERRA, obviously, I wasn't that excited. But I approach every album that I review with an open mind, and even though there are no vocals anywhere, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of music on this release. Because I was a Metalhead growing up in the 80's, and getting to experience, in my opinion, the greatest era in music, I occasionally listened to JOE SATRIANI during the prime of his career. Like I mentioned, I wasn't the biggest fan of his style of music but understood a great talent when I heard one, and he's a really good one. Saying all of that brings me back to KEVIN SERRA.

After witnessing SATRIANI play live at the age of 14, SERRA began playing the guitar, and by the time he was 16, was writing his own music and teaching his classmates and friends to play. Because he is left handed, he played the guitar upside down but that never hindered his playing and he continued to grow his talent. After attending the Guitar Institute in London, he began working as a session guitarist and instructor, and now all of these years later, he releases "Mirage Reflection", a collection of finely tuned guitar instrumental rock n' roll.

This five song EP is written and produced to the high standards that you would expect from a lifelong guitarist, and if you're into instrumental, guitar-featured rock music, reminiscent of "Surfing With The Alien", this album will most certainly be a great addition to your collection. SERRA is a masterful musician and really knows how to write great music. I'm pretty sure that SATRIANI would be proud to know that he was heavily influentially to SERRA becoming the great guitarist that he is today. My only problem is that I prefer rock n roll with some kind of vocalist and just can't listen to this style of music for an extended period of time. Don't get me wrong, this is a really good album and I would highly recommend it to fans of instrumental guitarists like Joe Satriani, but it's just not "my cup of tea". "Mirage Reflection" has a limited target audience, but should be extremely pleasing to that crowd.

7 / 10


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"Mirage Reflection" Track-listing:

1. Honour the Brave
2. Rising Aura
3. Mirage Reflection
4. Acid Dream
5. Optic Red

Kevin Serra Lineup:

Kevin Serra- Lead Guitar
James Carta - Drums

Special Guests:
William Stravato - Guitar
Alessandro Bertoni - Keyboards
Mike LePond - Bass
Mattia Melis - Bass
Andrea Maccianti - Guitar
Leszek Zyglowicz - Bass

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