Mutatis Mutandis


Greek band, KEVEL, chose to name their newest album an incredibly meaningful name. "Mutatis Mutandis", […]
By Laura Glover
November 2, 2020
Kevel - Mutatis Mutandis album cover

Greek band, KEVEL, chose to name their newest album an incredibly meaningful name. "Mutatis Mutandis", translates literally into: 1. With necessary changes having been made, and 2. With the respective differences having been considered. (Merriam Webster translation) "Things having changed that have to be changed". The album is rife with meaningful lyrics; and lofty, emotional instrumental stretches. True to its introspective intent, "Mutatis Mutandis" leads you to a very eclectic place in your mind. Many ask unanswerable questions of the universe, choosing to rip off the blinders for a moment and try to be present with what really is. Travelers of the galaxy who converse with stars and dance with ethereal whisps of perceived time. This album might resonate with just such person. In my opinion, so much of a song is in its lyrics. I deeply love when a song, or album, has such deeply written lyrics. Half poem, half song.

"Of Being" - An existential song, whose lyrics reflect all of what life encompasses with few words. Melded to a rising and falling tune, and deep vocals. The song itself is mind warping in a way. As intended, I'm sure, and played out very well as a theme throughout. "Terraforming" - "Creation through destruction, progress through assimilation". Another way to put the meaning of the title of this album, truly. In order to change a future self, one must destroy some past pieces. Sometimes old ways don't suit our future paths. And thusly, we need to destroy or shed them to become new. While this is a reflective song, it is still metal. Loud, brash, and scathing.

"The Apophatic" - With an opening line of, "You will never be alone, because you will never be whole", this is quite the powerful song. Lending curiosity to the psychonaut's mind, as existential questions and concepts seem to come from the far reaches of the galaxies. With many ways to get there; from meditation, trance through music, and of course the more shamanic way. "Outer searching, look inside." Expansive concepts, at least. While this poetically written song is also a force carried by intense guitar riff's and raving vocals. "Utopia Planitia" - This song is a whole emotion! Powerful instrumentals; melodic and sweeping. After the introspective journey the rest of the album put us through, this softer side is welcome. It is a little like going on a long journey finding yourself, and finally coming home and getting to lay in your favorite spot and relax. Although the vocals still hit hard, the instrumental part is so lush.

"Mutatis Mutandis" is a thoughtfully written album, worth checking out. This would be a great addition to one's driving playlist, as the melodic parts would be great for a long drive. I certainly hope to hear more from KEVEL in the future.

8 / 10









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"Mutatis Mutandis" Track-listing:

1. Of Being
2. Terraforming
3. The Apophatic
4. Arecibo
5. Cosmic Domination
6. Utopia Planitiitia

Kevel Lineup:

Kostas K . - Guitars, Vocals, Synthesizers
Antonis K. - Bass
Thanasis P. - Drums

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