Outbound (Reissue)

In a country where an outbreak of creativeness occurred sometime ago, there always will be good Metal bands. Yes, because historically we can see that regions or countries as England, Sweden, Finland, U.S.A. and many others still produce very good bands. And Norway, since the coming of the SWOBM, is a warehouse of very good bands, and not only on extreme Metal. And now, we can hear the reissue from the melodic Power Metal duo KELDIAN, called "Outbound", and confirm the idea above expressed.
Besides we can call them a Power Metal band due their use of grandiose orchestrations on keyboards and a good melodic insight, the energy and some aggressiveness from traditional Heavy Metal is present here as well. And we can hear some baroque clean moments as well, but all of their music evades the use of double bass on drums. And of course it's tasteful, grandiose and good medicine to our ears and minds so damaged (especially if you live in Brazil, where grand part of the population prefers to listen to trash than any good kind of music).
The sound quality in very near of perfection due the excellent work from Arild Aardalen (on mixing and recording processes) and Mika Jussila (who did the mastering), that is extremely clean and with very good tunes, but it is heavy, having the perfect amount of weight as their music needs. And there are some guests on the album, as Jørn Holen (drummer from VREID) on drums, and Helene Hande Midje, Thommie Myhrvold and Kjell Vidar Merkesdal doing some vocals. Grandiose, created with fine refrains, great choruses and all the elements that the style needs, but of course guitars, bass, drums and keyboards are in a fine way as well. And to find a better song here is not easy, because the quality level is high.
Personally, "Burn the Sky", the wonderful "Earthblood" (with perfect guitars and wonderful keyboards, along with great choruses, and all of that using very good and heavy tempos), the heavy and catching "Kepler And 100,000 Stars" (a perfect song, and fine lyrics. And hey, I'm a Physicist, so this theme really got me), and the wonderful and extremely worked "The Silfen Paths", a masterpiece with more than 11 minutes.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Outbound (Reissue)" Track-listing:
1. Burn The Sky
2. Earthblood
3. Never Existed
4. Morning Light Mountain
5. Kepler And 100,000 Stars
6. The Silfen Paths
7. Run For Your Life
8. A Place Above The Air
9. F.T.L.
Keldian Lineup:
Christer Andresen - Lead Vocals, Bass, & Guitars
Arild Aardalen - Vocals & Keyboards
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