May 27, 2015

KELAKOS is a 70's Rock band born in the U.S.A. While not seeing the stardom that some bands get, they were able to perform in venues and release a debut record before splitting four years after conception. KELAKOS is back with a 15 track album that includes many of their previously released tracks and a new piece thrown in, all re-mastered and ready for the listener of today. For the lovers of a Groovy Rock-ish Pop genre, these guys should impress. The world is ready for this now. KELAKOS was just before their time. "Uncorked" is a 15 track album that comes in at a listening time of almost 50 minutes.
The intro "Boogie Bad Express" is a perfect intro to an album that keeps grooving all the way through. Track two "Funky Day" is the first track where you really understand what kind of album "Uncorked" is going to be. The free flowing guitars with a light an airy feel.
From track one to track 15, the music is flowing with a simple energy and pulsing with emotion. Some tracks that I would recommend to get the best experiences are: "Rachel" which is so full of emotion the music just pulsates. "Frost Bite Fantasy" which has a beautifully done guitar solo among other elements that draw in the listener. "How Did You Get So Crazy" is one of their previous releases that perfectly shows the essence of KELAKOS.
"Uncorked" is an album that is perfect for the person who wants a complete relaxation. There isn't an intense over the edge composition in this album. However, some of the lyrical content could lead to a little emotional unrest but only in the best way. "Uncorked" brings an old sound back to life. If you are looking for a BEATLES-esque Rock album for a new listen, "Uncorked" could be for you.
7 / 10

"Uncorked" Track-listing:
1. Boogie Bad Express
2. Funky Day
3. Gone are the Days
4. Rachel
5. Frostbite Fantasy
6. All You Need is a Ticket
7. How Did You Get So Crazy
8. Lovin' so Fine
9. Change Your Mind
10. Follow Your Dream
11. Persephone's Poison
12. Till the Break of Day
13. Break of Day Coda
14. In the Sun
15. There's a Feeling
Kelakos Lineup:
George Michael Kelakos Haberstroh - Vocals/Guitar
Mark Sisson - Guitar
Lincoln Bloomfield - Bass
Carl Canedy - Drums
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