Space Muffin


Sounding like the bastard son of ORANGE GOBLIN and SLEEP, KAYLETH show here on "Space […]
By Jack Webb
February 7, 2015
Kayleth - Space Muffin album cover

Sounding like the bastard son of ORANGE GOBLIN and SLEEP, KAYLETH show here on "Space Muffin" that they know how to make a pure Stoner Metal album. Much in the same way that many recent bands have managed to revive what many would have called a dying genre, KAYLETH seem to prove that there is indeed some life left in the old dog.

Getting things rolling we have the riff laden "Mountains", a simplistic musical idea that gathers traction as the song carries on. Evolving if you will. However it is the following two tracks that display what we all came to hear. Both "Secret Place" and "Spacewalk" meld pure riffs into a musical adventure. The contrast between the light and dark shades given by the music here is of particular note, an ability that seems all the more potent given other offerings in this genre. The recent inclusion of Michele Montanari as sampler adds a deeper level of flair. The aforementioned "Spacewalk" would simply not sound as powerful without him.

Now before we erect an altar to our new Stoner Metal overlords, there are a few things we need to discuss. As great as the lyrical content is, it is often lost within the mix. It struggles to find room between the guitar and drums and is relegated to becoming part of the background, rather than being the focal point. As brilliant as this album is though, it feels in places that it has been stretched and stretched, in order to form a full album.

However, on the whole this is a very promising release. It builds upon the ideas laid out in the bands 2012 EP release "The Survivor", and if this trend continues then the next KAYLETH release should be genre defining.

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"Space Muffin" Track-listing:

1. Mountains
2. Secret Place
3. Spacewalk
4. Bare Knuckle
5. Born to Suffer
6. Lies of Mind
7. Try to Save the Appearances
8. NGC 2244

Kayleth Lineup:

Enrico Gastaldo - Vocals
Massimo Dalla Valle - Guitar
Alessandro Zanetti - Bass
Daniele Pedrollo - Drums
Michele Montanari - Synth, Samples

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