World Without End


I wasn't even aware of this band so it was quite a surprise to me […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
January 28, 2007
Katharsis - World Without End album cover

I wasn't even aware of this band so it was quite a surprise to me to receive one more release from Norma Evangelium Diaboli, the label that released the last brutal masterpiece from ANTAEUS, Blood Libels. As you see, it is not hard to understand what these guys are all about. You got it right! Brutal Black Metal coming straight from Germany!
As I mentioned above, these guys are German and they were formed in 1994. Up to now, they are counting thirteen releases (demos, EP's, split CD's and only three full-length albums)! This is their third full-length work (second through Norma Evangelium Diaboli). While searching for some info about them, I realized that these guys must have a very committed fan base. I came across some fan reviews on some of their albums and I didn't find even one with a rating lower than 9/10!
So, KATHARSIS is a brutal Black Metal band similar to acts such as MARDUK, ANTAEUS, DEATHSPELL OMEGA, WATAIN and many more. Their sound is pretty raw, something that seems that the band wants to keep an underground attitude to its music. While reading some reviews about this album I saw things like KATHARSIS is pure insanity in the truest sense, the listener should pay attention to catch the subtleties that make this album great and stuff like that. One thing I have to say is that every single album KATHARSIS have released is so predictable that you always end up saying that this is a classic KATHARSIS album and stuff like that. A band has to move on! Some bands have to realize that they are neither MOTORHEAD nor AC/DC! When you have thirteen releases, you have to move on at some point! I don't say you have to become experimental or progressive, but you have to improve your sound! Anyway, the album is not bad but it seems that I doesn't have the qualities to make me listen to it more than three times. And I don't want to listen to anything about the production, which totally sucks! There is no cult or true law, which forces a band to have an underground shitty sound!
If you love anything that comes from the extreme Black Metal scene, you will like this CD. If you know WATAIN or DEATHSPELL OMEGA and respect them, better go buy something else. ANTAEUS released an album that kicks ass; it would be a better buying option than World Without End.

4 / 10

Nothing special

"World Without End" Track-listing:

Eden Below
Kross Fyre
Ascent From Ghoulgotha
Kosmik Sacrifice
World Without End

Katharsis Lineup:

Drakh - Vocals
Scorn - Guitar
M.K. - Drums

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