Blowing Your Ears Off
Kate’s Acid

During the early days of the second half of the 80s, names as KILLER, CYCLONE, CROSSFIRE, BUZZARD, OSTROGOTH and some others were familiar to Metalheads worldwide, and all of them share a common feature: all of them come from Belgium, a country that had many great Metal festivals and a strong scene. But one name was a driving force for Belgium Metal: ACID. Their releases “Acid” (1983), “Maniac” (1983), the EP “Black Car” (1984) and “Engine Beast” (1985) earned the quintet a strong support into worldwide Metal Scene. But as everything had a turn in 1985/1986, with Thrash Metal success, the quintet (as many other bands) disappeared from the radar of the fans. And even with disputes between the drummer Anvil and the singer Kate about the band’s name, here is “Blowing Your Ears Off”, a live album under the moniker KATE’S ACID.
This is a live album, recorded at Keep It True festival (a hollow ground for Metal, especially for Old School Metal) on 2023, with songs of ACID’s glorious days. It can be said that the genre of the band didn’t change: it’s the same vigorous and melodic 80s Heavy Metal filled with energy and melodies inherited from German Metal, along with traits of Speed Metal and NWOBHM. It’s obvious that “Blowing Your Ears Off” comes in a good time, showing that the quintet is still alive and sounding great! Prepare, because the Heavy Metal class is just beginning, students!!! The songs were recorded and mixed by Jacky Lehmann (I hope it’s not necessary to explain why a live album is mixed after the show), it seems that few corrections were done, because the live feeling is strong, and with things sounding as they must (pay attention to the guitar solos during “Hooked on Metal” to have a clear idea of what such words mean). Heavy, clean and defined, this experience must be taken seriously!
It’s a pity that some songs aren’t on the setlist (of course it’s due the time the quintet have to be on the stage), but it can be felt how Kate shows great sympathy to the fans. But it sounds like a recollection of classics, because “Maniac”, “Hooked on Metal”, “No Time”, “Let Me Die”, “Hell on Wheels”, “Bottoms Up”, “Big Ben”, “Exterminator”, “Lost in Hell”, “Black Car” (one of the band’s widely known classics), and “Max Overload” are songs that every Metalhead should know, here presented on great versions, showing that time didn’t erode their precious gleam, and that speak for themselves. And as a special gift, here is a version for DIO’s “Stand Up and Shout”, faithful to the original, but here in a personal way of the quintet (what shows how DIO’s music is important to Metal ’s musical models on the 80s). And by the way everything on “Blowing Your Ears Off” sounds, it’s one of the best live albums in the past 10 years!
Pay respect and homage to KATE’S ACID, listen to “Blowing Your Ears Off” at maximum volume possible, and let’s pray that Kate can think seriously about a new studio full-length!
10 / 10
"Blowing Your Ears Off" Track-listing:
- Maniac
- Hooked on Metal
- No Time
- Stand Up and Shout
- Let Me Die
- Hell on Wheels
- Bottoms Up
- Big Ben
- Exterminator
- Lost in Hell
- Black Car
- Max Overload
Kate’s Acid Lineup:
Kate De Lombaert - Vocals
Andreas Stieglitz - Guitars
Gilles Reuse - Guitars
Mathieu Trobec - Bass
Bastiaan Andriessen - Drums
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