The Southern Thunder Roars


The personification of good and evil in our daily lives shines through in things we […]
By Cody "CC Spearhead" Campbell
January 6, 2015
Kanvass - The Southern Thunder Roars album cover

The personification of good and evil in our daily lives shines through in things we see and the sounds we hear. Brazilian Black Metal heathen duo Kanvass summon the dark Lord with their five song release "The Southern Thunder Roars" to eradicate what they call the myth and spread reason. With truly blasphemous passion the evil pair rip out songs with treacherous tempos, crushing blast beats and scathing vocals.

"Enochian Rites" initiates the ritual with pounding drum lines and thick, heavy guitar tracks. The first thing that comes to mind is the grit of the recording mix and strain of the vocals. Blast beats are ripping and the vocals act as a second percussion instrument battering your ear drums. Good luck understanding any of the lyrics but like many similar bands the listener experiences the emotion with less understanding of the meaning.

"Odium Vendetta" provides the prerequisite black metal snare four count intro. Again the tempo is moving and blast beats are raging. There's no diversity in guitar structure and the screams are repetitive and dulling. An aggressive and relentless performance however, you'll find nothing extraordinary and by the end of the track you'll be begging "Ammonoch" to stop the "yah yah yahhhh".

"Funeral" brings the tempo down and shows some diversity in song structuring. Ripping into straightforward mayhem half way through the track. This track gave a better demonstration of the inherent evil of Kanvass and their dedication toward the dark arts. "Sathanas" kicks in with pounding staccatos and shredding guitar counterattacks. This is by far the twosome's best performance within the five-song onslaught. The bass drum and rhythm work truly shines and the vocal lines are far less redundant and annoying. It's a great thing to hear when Kanvass is on point but the ratio to evil and mundane is tipped heavily toward that latter.

Kanvass do well in effort and approach with "The Southern Thunder Roars." Don't expect anything earth shaking or mold breaking in terms of structure or technicality, but instead be grateful for another global act aiming to darken the light and bring more evil into the world.

7 / 10


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"The Southern Thunder Roars" Track-listing:

1. Enochian Rites
2. Odium Vendetta
3. Funeral
4. Sathanas
5. Freezing Moon

Kanvass Lineup:

Ammonoch - Strings/Vocals
Morbus - Drums

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