Dark Reveries
October 17, 2013

KAMBRIUM describe themselves as an 'Epic' Metal band from the land of Germany. For a country such as Germany which has such a large and immense Metal fan base I hope that KAMBRIUM live up to the reputation their country has allowed them. One day I would wish to take my own band over to the Heaven of Metal music but until then I will settle with reviewing the work that comes out of it.
The album opens up with the title track "Dark Reveries" which serves not so much as a song then an introduction. Admittedly as I looked through the track list I wasn't too impressed by the creativity of the song names. A few of them sound really similar to each other and like not much thought had gone into them. Also the album title "Dark Reveries" is very similar to OPETH's "Ghost Reveries". Fortunately the first few songs from the album are indeed epic and very well produced. Twin guitar tone is in your face and the atmosphere from the keyboards fills out KAMBRIUM's sound to that next level. Classic European Metal done right.
"Dark Lights" is the first track from the album that does not have the triumphant scales and story written lyric style. The listener is met with a more mellow verse but then slammed in the face for the chorus with huge vocals that were performed by a very talented front man and backing vocalists. Even from listening through the tracks they do sound fairly similar, the huge tone of every instrument cuts through to your core and leaves you with mouth agape singing along to every word. I am met with immense joy while enjoying this great song. KAMBRIUM are a very tight band. They obviously put a lot of effort into the recordings to pull off such a great sounding album. Any fan of bands like WINTERSUN, KAMELOT, or MANOWAR could appreciate what KAMBRIUM have achieved. Massive choruses in every song with near every band member screaming the lyrics with passion and vigour. It is hard to find negative things about this album. Songs are great, production is huge, the tone of every instrument can be picked out if listened for, nothing lacks. Also a special mention to Jan Hein on Keyboards for creating the fabulous vibe this band has.
Just when I thought the steam may have run out, KAMBRIUM has dropped my guard again and delivered unto my ear holes a powerful song, "Lake Gloom", that will haunt your dreams and cause you to feel a myriad of emotions with female guest vocals, haunting harpsichord, and a Doom / Death Metal feel that will have your eyes closed and head swaying. The song after this "Distant Shore" did not strike me as anything special on the album. All of the other tracks are fairly unique or have something specifically awesome about them but I ended up just skipping through this one.
Now finally I am onto the 11:27 flagship song of the album, "Opus Aeternus". I will take the time to listen to songs of this length because of the effort it takes to write such epic songs. A band I know of that does long songs well is BLACKLEAF GARDENS from NZ with their average song length being around 7 minutes. They are definitely worth checking out. So far I am not disappointed, vocals are catchy and the riffing is done well to be continuous but not feel like the song still has 7 minutes left. The story in the middle of the song sounded a little cheesy to me but perhaps I found comedy in the accent of the speaker more than the speech itself. And just like that, the album ended as it begun, with the sound of storms numbered greater than one.
KAMBRIUM have produced an album of very good quality that I found easy to listen to and enjoyable. It was of a similar style to other artists of the genre and a few of the songs were not very unique or different but that can be forgiven by the absolutely massive tone and huge production value that has been put in. Overall I rate this album as an 8/10.
8 / 10
"Dark Reveries" Track-listing:
1. Dark Reveries
2. Taken By the Storm
3. Sceptre of the Serpent
4. Spellbound by a Nightmare
5. Dark Lights
6. Beastly Hybris
7. Lake Gloom
8. The Distant Shore
9. Frost Reflection
10. Opus Aeternus
Kambrium Lineup:
Jan Hein - Keyboards / Orchestra
Karsten Simon - Guitar / Clean Vocals
Martin Simon - Vocals / Bass
Fabian Chmiel - Drums
Julian Schenke - Guitar / Backing Vocals
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