

I don't believe that there is a single metalhead out there who has not come […]
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
August 25, 2009
Jorn - Dukebox album cover

I don't believe that there is a single metalhead out there who has not come across the name of Jorn Lande. This charismatic singer begun his career by working with medium ranged bands like ARK, THE SNAKES (formed by ex-WHITESNAKE guitarists Bernie Marsden and Micky Moody), VAGABOND and -my favorite- BEYOND TWILIGHT (check their The Devil's Hall Of Fame debut). But, that is not all; Jorn has made several and important collaborations with Ken Hensley, Nikolo Kotzev, Russell Allen, Arjen Lucassen and Tobias Sammet among others.
Apart from this long list Jorn made quite an impact to the Metal scene during his days with MASTERPLAN a super group formed by Roland Grapow and Uli Kusch. In particular, this band's homonymous debut is simply a must-have by the all melodic almost-Power Metal lovers. So, while the news are already confirmed about Jorn's return to MASTERPLAN, AFM Records seized the chance to sum the singer's solo carrer in this 'best of' compilation under the title Dukebox.
I have to be honest with you and say that I am not a fan of compilations since I believe they can offer nothing more than a to-listen-while-driving CD. Indeed, this 16-track CD features the original version of some of the highlights from Jorn's back catalogue. I said 'some' of the highlights since I found myself missing the wonderful cover on CITY BOY's The Day The Earth Caught Fire, the catchy Christine or the AOR tune One Day We Will Put Out The Sun. On the other hand if they tried to put all the good songs in this compilation then we would have a double CD release. But, they could or should have added a couple of unreleased tracks or Japan bonus ones to simply make this album enticing for the ones who already know Jorn. The only different version I could identify is for Out To Every Nation that sounds heavier and I dare to say better without the original's Southern Rock feeling and the backing keyboard melodies.
For those who have missed this Coverdale-meets-Dio singer then Dukebox may be a nice introduction. Songs like Duke Of Love, We Brought The Angels Down or the Tungur Knivur killer are here to make you foot-tap against their Hard Rock groove and sing a couple of verses.
Jorn has managed to establish his name inside the top Metal voices (at least I believe so) and this compilation has the power to accompany his curriculum vitae in any job interview...

"Dukebox" Track-listing:

Man Of The Dark
Young Forever
Soul Of The Wind
Living With Wolves
War Of The World
Sunset Station
We Brought The Angels Down
The Inner Road
Tungur Knivur
Out To Every Nation
Lonely Are The Brave
Shadow People
Duke Of Love

Jorn Lineup:


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