Songs from Nowhere
Jon of Mars

From Bandcamp, "The debut album from JON OF MARS, set from the perspective of an alien forced to live in small town USA during the COVID Pandemic. Learning everything he knows about earth from the denizens of the most rural places." The album has seven songs. "Soultest" is the first. It a short, mood-setting instrumental. The mood is light, and somewhat dreamy as well. "A Respite!" has heavier tones out of the gates, along with some psychedelic. The vocals are sung on the same pitch, giving the song an Industrial quality, along with some harsh vocals to boot. But the riff is pretty simple...we'll see if that can hold up.
"MisinformedNation" has some Nu Metal qualities in the verses, and some odd melodies in the chorus. The vocals are pretty angry, and there is a rhythmic cadence to them. The lead guitar work is a bit spastic but you have to appreciate the energy. "Azag's Fable" is another song with a groovy rhythm to it, and a similar vocal style. The music is fairly ardent, as the song continues with pummeling drums and heavy guitars throughout. The vocals are also quite angry. There is a nice little slow down around the half-way mark, but the sound comes roaring back. "Mister Blue" is slower, heavier, and more downtrodden. The vocals cry out with anger and frustration, as the blues fill the sky with grey tones. This song lives in the swamp deep in the bayou.
"Inhumane Tragedy" begins with gunfire, and the sounds of an alarm that rings out for all in the town to hear. From there, it segues into a funky rap sound, complete with record scratching. If nothing else, the band varies their offerings. "Ghosts" closes the album, and it's a tender offering. Overall, this album was surprising in the sense that each track brought a unique feeling along with it. Some of the songs were really nice, especially for a debut. Once the band figures out their identity, all they can do is improve. But, I have the distinct sense that perhaps this is their be unique and full of surprises.
7 / 10

"Songs from Nowhere" Track-listing:
1. Soultest
2. A Respite!
3. MisinformedNation
4. Azag's Fable
5. Mister Blue
6. Inhumane Tragedy
7. Ghosts
Jon of Mars Lineup:
Barrett Holcomb - Guitar, Vocals, Lyrics
Jordan Karg - Production, Drums, Keys
Wendall Holmes - Bass
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