The Big Easy

John Diva & The Rockets of Love

John Diva & The Rockets of Love convey that the feeling the band stands for […]
By Michael Pataky
March 12, 2023
John Diva & The Rockets of Love - The Big Easy album cover

John Diva & The Rockets of Love convey that the feeling the band stands for is spandex pants, youthful recklessness, party mood and full batteries in the Walkman. They claim to bring the carefree moments of the 80's into the present and make them sound like the new hot s**t.  The Big Easy" is there third album, and will be released in March 2023 on "Napalm Records".  In keeping with their theme, it is available on CD, LP, or in a box set which includes, among other things, sunglasses and suntan lotion.

"California Rhapsody" is a very short Doo Wop introduction for the next song.  "The Big Easy" which is the first video off the album, is a hair metal song that would have fit in on commercial radio in the 80's, with an over the top guitar solo, and keyboards mixed in. "God Made Radio" starts with a guitar that sounds like a motorcycle riding down the highway. The song continues into a mid-paced, more main-stream rocker, with melodic guitars. "Runaway Train" is a slower vocal dominated song, with more of an orchestrated song bed.  "Thunder" is an arena rock anthem, which would be an instant sing along song in concert.  "Believe" has a catchy riff, harmonious vocals, in a more straight forward rock song.

"Back In The Days" sums up the entire album, reminiscing about a romance from the past, to a soundtrack of the 80's, and could easily have appeared in a coming of age film. "Hit And Run" is a ballad with strong vocals and melodic guitar solos. "Boys Don't Play With Dolls" has orchestration with a horn section, which was common in the commercial songs of the 80's, along with another over the top guitar solo. "The Limit Is The Sky" has a little faster tempo, catchy riffs with a scaled back sound highlighting the rhythm section and both guitarists. "Capri Style" is a pure party song with a sexual them, as evident by the title. We will have to wait for the video to find out what "Capri Style" is. "Wild At Heart" has a tribal sound with lots of power chords.

"John Diva and the Rockets of Love" stand for fat parties and a carefree attitude. "The Big Easy" pays homage to all things 80's both in music, riffs and lyrics. They cover all the styles of the genre. Not sure if the members are stuck in the 80's or merely reminiscing about their youth. They are not creating anything new, but celebrating their favorite music.

8 / 10









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"The Big Easy" Track-listing:

1. California Rhapsody
2. The Big Easy
3. God Made Radio
4. Runaway Train
5. Thunder
6. Believe
7. Back In The Days
8. Hit And Run
9. Boys Don't Play With Dolls
10. The Limit Is The Sky
11. Capri Style
12. Wild At Heart

John Diva & The Rockets of Love Lineup:

John Diva- Lead Vocals
J.J. Love - Guitar
Snake Rocket- Guitar
Remmie Martin - Bass
Lee Stingray Jr. - Drums

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