
They are not without talent, and my advice would be to get rid of the harsh tones and overly sappy laments.
March 3, 2024

From Bandcamp, they self-describe as “The sound reaches your mind, it is no longer a sound. Gone through a universe of change, frequencies, adaptions. Translates into an understandable, recognizable feed which your inner self can now interpret.” The album has seven songs, and “False Feeding” is first. It has a depressive groove, with clean vocal harmonies and some smooth guitars that are dark in nature. Distorted guitars hit just before the half-way mark, and I would call this Alternative Metal with Progressive elements.

“MoDown” is next, and the entering guitar notes are tinged with a Middle Eastern edge. Thick bass notes follow, and ominous tones of warning develop. The only lyrics are “fuck you,” as the band showcases some of their musicianship. “Till the End” begins with acoustic guitar, and that depressive feeling is still hanging around. The harmonized vocals are very nice, and the song drips with lament, and regret. All of the repeated “I Love You’s” at the end are quite cheesy, however. “Time” is another dark offering; the fourth in a row. I have mentioned this many times before, but too many of these overly lamenting songs can really put a hurting on the efficacy of the album.

“Empty” has more depressive tones. The music and vocals work pretty well together here however. The bass work is strong, but again, the overly lamenting tones keep the album from getting off the ground. “Brahms” is more of the same, but this time, the connection of the key with the music is off. The harsh vocals don’t really add much either. At this point, the album is beginning to crash and burn. “Floors” closes the album, and this time, there are positive tones. If there were more of these, sandwiched between the depressive songs, this album could have had a fair chance. They are not without talent, and my advice would be to get rid of the harsh tones and overly sappy laments.

5 / 10









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"OmiNoUS" Track-listing:

1. False Feeding

2. MoDown

3. Till the End

4. Time

5. Empty

6. Brahms

7. Floors


Jamart Lineup:


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