Point Of No Return


At first I was confused and I thought this was ISEGRIM, the German Black Metal […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
March 24, 2009
Izegrim - Point Of No Return album cover

At first I was confused and I thought this was ISEGRIM, the German Black Metal band. Little did I know... This is IZEGRIM (yeah, with Z) and have come to add one more boring Thrash/Death Metal release to the already tortured Metal scene. Anyway, it is a hard job and somebody's got to do it.

Formed in the summer of 1996 by ex SOLSTICE drummer Joep and guitarist Jeroen. Since there is nothing really interesting regarding this Dutch band except for some appearances with TANKARD, PUNGENT STENCH, HOLY MOSES and a European tour with FLOTSAM & JETSAM, I will just mention that the band has went through many line up changes and has managed to release two full-length albums and 3 EP's until now (as well as some demos).

Point Of No Return is the band's brand new EP and features a brand new line up with a new female (yet brutal) vocalist, three new songs and a re-recorded version of the song Angel Of Demise, which is taken from IZEGRIM's 2002 debut album Guidelines For Genocide (cool title). Their music is a typical Thrash/Death Metal style with some old school melodies. You could say that they have some similarities with ARCH ENEMY and their country mates LEGION OF THE DAMNED, but IZEGRIM are not so fast, neither that good. I didn't find any riffs that would amaze me, no unique compositions and nothing that would attract my attention and make me search for more stuff from them.

I don't see any reason someone would want to buy this EP; If you are a die hard fan of this band, go ahead and do it. The rest of you will definitely have much better options.

4 / 10

Nothing special

"Point Of No Return" Track-listing:

Point Of No Return
No Place Like Home
End Of Time
Angel Of Demise

Izegrim Lineup:

Marloes - Vocals, Bass
Jeroen - Guitar
Bart - Guitar
Ivo - Drums

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