

Dutch Atmospheric Sludge Metal band IZAH are here with their debut album "Sistere" and they […]
By Jessica Howkins
January 20, 2015
Izah - Sistere album cover

Dutch Atmospheric Sludge Metal band IZAH are here with their debut album "Sistere" and they are definitely stepping up to take their rightful place as one of the freshest bands to come onto the Sludge Metal scene.

With only four songs covering 70 minutes worth of music it should be tricky to keep the listeners attention, you would expect consistent repetition throughout each track that would lead to boredom and you would expect the tracks to drag themselves out for longer than what you would like but IZAH have pushed through all of the expectations and delivered brilliant material all round.

Each track shifts through different dynamics and melodic directions - "Indefinite Instinct" eases in almost hauntingly before introducing the listener to slow guttural vocals alongside almost soothing accompanying music until it all kicks in. IZAH show throughout the entire album from the very first track that they want to keep the Sludge sound a slight bit more up-tempo by throwing in influences of Hardcore and Post-Rock especially when the vocals go from "I'm totally nailing this guttural thing" to "I think I'll show off how beautifully I can sing clean too" - well that's what I hope was being said anyway.

"Duality" is by far the strongest out of the four, it holds so many different directions as to where it can go and it certainly does that. IZAH experiment so much throughout "Sistere" yet they don't make it messy. Every change in every track seems to work brilliantly and flow into each other with not even a handful of flaws.

IZAH have definitely set a high standard for their next release, something that I am already hoping for after listening to the brilliance that is "Sistere". Beautifully atmospheric, heavy yet elegantly smooth and musically genius, "Sistere" is a brilliant platform in terms of showing the world what IZAH can do and an album that is a brilliant way to start the new year.

10 / 10


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"Sistere" Track-listing:

1. Indefinite Instinct
2. Duality
3. Finite Horizon
4. Sistere 

Izah Lineup:

Tijs van Wegberg - Drums
Frans Terhorst - Bass
Twan Bastiaansen - Guitar
Roel van Oosterhout - Guitar
Michel de Jong - Synth / Guitar
Sierk Entius - Vocals / Synth

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