November 7, 2021

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ISKANDR; signed via Eisenton Records, hailing from Netherland grounds - performing Black Metal, on their 3rd album entitled: "Vergezicht" (released September 24th, 2021) Since formation in 2016; the duo in question have 2 EPs entitled "Zon" (released September 12th, 2016), "Gelderse poort" (released October 23rd, 2020) & 3 Full-length albums entitled "Heilig land" (released June 5th, 2016), "Euprosopon" (released September 28th. 2018) & this here 3rd album entitled "Vergezicht". 6 tracks ranging at around 01:03:46; ISKANDR arrange an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Black Metal developments.
Opening up with this majestic but eerie acoustic, "Gezag" begins the record with this vibrantly potent harmony in atmospheric melody...until this trembling shriek banishes a distorted calamity amongst all eardrums with rumbling reverberation & punchy tonality. This striking bombardment in ambient heft chimes out with trailblazing stability, solidly bulldozing an intense craftsmanship of snarly scours & monolithic tempos that surge with skyrocketing yet sulfurous remedy. Slaying with stompy grinds, a consisting lineup from M. Koops most notably stomps the set with steely & rambunctious precision, smacking with piledriving chisels amongst a amplified hook on slaying grinds and concretely gritty mist...adding a foggy foundation in borderline jumpiness while merging volatile yet hypnotizing embodiment in gnarly contortion & mythical manifestation.
"Bloeddraad" elements at a progressive technicality to it as O on vocals showcases these raspy cords in throaty mass, growling into an agonizing maelstrom of shouty yells & grovelling barks as bellowing roars soar with grunty gutturals amongst an extreme aggression on tormenting mellow. The guitars lacerate the sky with killer riffs, rampantly rompy rift & mountainous synergy. Towering speakers with mystifying vehemence, utilising versatile keyboardist dexterity in which marvels with meticulous chimes and deathly hymns - immensely but elegantly exquisite while sublime yet monstrously meaty & savagely sinister to boot, executing a sense of vertigo & unbound trepidation – while fusing a dazzling yet riveting distilment of weighty medley that revels with mesmerising significance.
"Gewesten der tijd" strums with this enriching acoustic, continuously alarming you with euphonic but ethereal zeal - until this blasphemous array in thumpy, orchestral synths that materialise with an electric hybrid on ringing tones within the organ bells and bestial embroidery of shimmering double-bass audibility throughout these visceral yet spellbinding arpeggios blisteringly assimilate at a fluidly brisk but grandeur sweep of pastoral chorales amongst an elaborate contrast of tumultuous solemnity. Shattering but ferocious howls grumble with profusely robust blows as clobbering crunchiness dynamically throttles you with quintessential virtuosity; ruthless divinity and drony firepower expertise belts you with tantalizing fever and bludgeoning thrills which ramifies with malignant yet prodigiously prestigious tremolo impact efficaciously entrance you, stridently & sturdily with viciously stompy thuds to boot.
"Baken" unearths malicious sacrilege, as an infernal overdose on rollicking gallops and frolicking chops drills in as chuggy drums and guitars steamroll with groovy persistence, persevering with sonically seamless retribution with angelic fervor...while prayers of stained class desecration unravels profane but blackened havoc for you to venerate towards while worshipping the ramification of total ruination, mightily...throughout the recording; trumpets, pianos & tambourines can be heard in the distance of dissonant but groundbreaking crescendos while overarching with attuned but harrowing despair. The penultimate mammoth "Verbod" merges all aforementioned transparencies with ominous yet jarring homage as fascinating but capricious division swifts with rapidly nimble vibrato patterns while belting an incredible force of ear-bleeding rhythms while spine-chilling bells implement enticing ingredients to the mix that will hath dark souls hailing this ritualistic pursuit on the liturgy of evil empowerments, salubriously. Rummaging through with ravaging rifts, the overall concluding epic "Het slot" reveres with apocalyptic envision as an enriching magnitude of various tools of instrumental depth - examining with menacing yet medieval attributes in ambitious but radically wicked yet mortifying systematics that will gravitate into an elevating but barrage frenzy in abrasive songwriting musicianship on paganism which is elaborate and brutal at the same time.
Bottom line; I am compelled to say that ISKANDR most certainly delivered an interesting offering of meticulous Black Metal stability, only those in favour of raw sounding mayhem will relish through this within this ravishing assault in unholy, shamanistic value - as multifarious resounds pierces through you with spectral waves & ill-omened conundrums for a celestial blight of other-wordly segregation. An enjoyably entertaining discovery which surely deserves listening to; to decipher everything here would probably be a daunting task which this record already is, however - it is worthy of spinning at least once for those in need of some Black Metal fix - check it out for a transfixing experience.
8 / 10

"Vergezicht" Track-listing:
1. Gezag
2. Bloeddraad
3. Gewesten der tijd
4. Baken
5. Verbod
6. Het slot
Iskandr Lineup:
O - Vocals/Guitars/Bass/Keyboards/Chimes/Trumpet/Piano/Tambourine/Orchestra Vocals
M. Koops - Drums
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