Metel Du Gwir Cymreig


Welsh Black Metal band ISELDER was formed in 2014. Following the release of their debut […]
Iselder - Metel Du Gwir Cymreig album cover

Welsh Black Metal band ISELDER was formed in 2014. Following the release of their debut album, Gofid was arrested in September 2021 by Welsh police on suspicion of inciting arson due to song lyrics as well as issuing ISELDER shirts that featured the text "burn your local holiday home." His PC and smart phone were seized by deputies. The sophomore album here contains nine tracks.

"Cyflwyniad" leads off the album. It features a slow song with spoken words, talking about the evils of the continent of Europe. "I'r Gad" features an overly-treble sound with awful production. "Are you ready for war?" he screams. "Cofio" opens with a slower and more generic Black Metal sound. The title of the song is repeated in the chorus. "Cont" begins with another slow groove and generic riffs. So far, the album is not very inventive at all. Again, the title of the song is repeated in the chorus.

"Brad y Llyfrau Glas" begins with another slow, but powerful riff. The riffing is very elementary, and I would challenge the band to at least try to branch out a bit. "Llosgi Bwriadol" is another slow, depressing sound that totally fails to get off the ground. The treble in the guitars is starting to become very annoying, as is the repeated phrasing in the choruses. "Rebecca" is yet another awful song that capitalizes on overly generic riffs and vocals. "Gwlad y Meirw" has an almost Punk quality to it, minus the vocals of course. "Rhyfela" closes the album. It features at least a somewhat inventive opening riff, but falls right back into the trap. There is very little to champion here. The sound is repetitive, boring, and uninventive, and nearly every track sounds exactly the same. You can safely skip this.

3 / 10









"Metel Du Gwir Cymreig" Track-listing:

1. Cyflwyniad
2. I'r Gad
3. Cofio
4. Cont
5. Brad y Llyfrau Glas
6. Llosgi Bwriadol
7. Rebecca
8. Gwlad y Meirw
9. Rhyfela

Iselder Lineup:

Gofid - All instruments, Vocals

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