Towards The Pantheon Of The Nameless


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: INVÕKER; signed via Einheit Produktionen, […]
By Craig Rider
June 2, 2020
Invõker - Towards The Pantheon Of The Nameless album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: INVÕKER; signed via Einheit Produktionen, hailing from the glory of Germany - performing Melodic Black/Death Metal, on their 3rd album entitled: "Towards The Pantheon Of The Nameless" (released 27th of March, 2020).

Since formation in 2010; the quartet in question have 3 albums in their discography so far: "A New Age" (released July 4th, 2013), "Aeon" (released October 30th, 2015) ...and this here 3rd album that I am introduced to entitled: "Towards The Pantheon Of The Nameless". 9 tracks ranging at around 44:47; INVÕKER arrange an intricately designed formula of heavy-hitting Melodic Black/Death Metal amalgamations. The majestically mesmerizing static of the opening introductory hymn: "Crumbling Sky" begins the record; until the titular track unleashes stereotypical melodies of these merged sub-genres, scattering rhythms rift with riveting riffs that ultilize uniquely versatile vehemence while amplified into a barraged frenzy of flamboyantly crafted adrenaline...hypnotizing fretworks compile crunchy bounciness & boisterously eerie but atmospheric harmonies while creating a foreboding ambience.

Consisting of Tino Büttner on vocals/guitars; the frontman excels at a gnarly attribute of raspy, throaty snarls...pipes that showcase deep guttural growls & a monstrously meaty aesthetic, conjuring a borderline foundation of punchy lungs that momentously portray this killer manifestion of meticulous songwriting virtuosity. Quintessentially surging rawly rough shreds that rip with thunderous roars, soaring tears & rapidly swift nimbleness. "Journey To Darkness" embellishes experiemental dexterity, detailing an immersively dynamic distinction of outrè panache & ominiously sublime bassist Ingo Rusche injects infectiously-driven chugs, galloping & frolicking with more of those razor-sharp hooks - blistering a tight yet volatile fabrication of fluidly polished sound production perseverence that oozes out a healthy dose of trailblazing mayhem.

Instrumentally; Black Metal serves its purposes with its mysteriously monolithic grooves, brilliantly execute a fiendish profanity of profusely robust substance & organic pandemonium. Ruthlessly providing an enriching establishment of vibrantly quirky snappiness, filled to the brim with enchanting complexities & metallic mist...materializing this empowering embodiment of phenomenally uplifting tremelo picking from lead guitarist Nico Hünniger who screams with wildly rushing pursuits that transists upbeat tempos with rumbling reverberation – skillfully patterning with triggering calamites & chords that thump with pulsating stability.

"Dark" demonstrates a short, symphonic intermezzo, pianist segment with an operatic style that kind of puts off the flow but integrates a distilling mood that allows listeners a breif break of the chaotic deadliness still to come and a sort of cinematic but captivating presence persists you to keep listening to this adventurous landscape of shrieking velocity which is evident in the catchiness of the "Devils Door". Continuously supplying this sonically seamless element, frantically implementing diversely salubrious mixtures of rampently piledriving subjugation that induces a solid slab of rambunctious drum hammering from battering pounder Tino Schumann. The pummeller smashes the set with steely precision, offering whiplashing speed while tapping quaking slams that tremble with their savagely sinister snares & gritty but combustible blast-beating firepower expertise.

This well-oiled machine strums with intergral finesse, armed with a punishing arsenal of furious boundaries while unafraid to transcend their venturesome tactics to strengthen these imaginative ideas with stunning efficaciousness. Effectively engaging listeners with revolving replayability value, and a magical source of transformative evolution - elusively distinguishing chunky jumpiness with stampeding promptness.

"Fall Into The Void" captures thrilling vibes of twin-guitar attacks; a groundbreaking but grandiose assault of high-pitched, musical malevolence while mellifluously culmination a marvellious juxtaposition of melancholic euphony. Elegantly engaging listeners with this sweeping variety of memorable soundscapes, and an intense aura of wonderously prodegious vortex of otherworldly tempos that tests your spiritual might with this rewarding yet contrasting blend of splendid havoc – intertwined with synergetic solace & skillful results. "Breathless" is an instrumental bruiser, it has this killer yet utmostly excessive guitar solo that has an addicting but arcane flavour to it. Bombarding eardrums with this systematic screech, an impactfully powerful scourge that will immediately grab you with its ability to distract you with its BLOODSHOT DAWN-like vibe.

The penultimate song: "The Veils Of Golden Light" continues this unrelenting rampage of crisp instrumentation, spirited zest & rompy yet shulphurous significance. Bringing forth more neck-breaking grips, lofty heat & a menacingly mandatory array displaying professional performances with diligently artistic talent - potentially gifted in its unorthodox visionary of innovatively inventive calamities. Overall concluding "Towards The Pantheon Of The Nameless" with the finishing epic: "Above The Stars" pretty much converging everything from the above aforementioned with more surprising yet resounding mindfulness...I am compelled to say that INVÕKER certainly outdone themselves with this one, while the Melodic Black Metal is most definitely efficient here...the only Death Metal is perhaps within the vocal structure I find, but it is still miraculously rebellious as well as tastfully productive. An enjoyably entertaining discovery that surely does deserve a good handful of listens, check it out you rocking...thrashing metallers!


8 / 10









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"Towards The Pantheon Of The Nameless" Track-listing:

1. Crumbling Sky
2. Towards The Pantheon Of The Nameless
3. Journey To Darkness
4. Dark
5. Devils Door
6. Fall Into The Void
7. Breathless
8. The Veils Of Golden Light
9. Above The Stars

Invõker Lineup:

Ingo Rusche - Bass
Nico Hünniger - Guitars (Lead)
Tino Schumann - Drums
Tino Büttner - Vocals/Guitars

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