Endless Scorn


INJECTOR varies the heaviness and speeds from ultra speed to mid-tempo, and they do all of that just at the right times, making you on your toes. Your attention span doesn’t get the chance to tone itself down. Let alone diminish. Once you think it gets predictable, they throw another positive spanner in the works.
March 12, 2025

INJECTOR is a Thrash Metal band from Cartagena in Spain that has been around since 2012 and with “Endless Scorn” is presenting us with their fourth studio album. It was released on 13 December 2024 by Art Gates Records, the record company they have been signed to from their 2015 debut album “Black Genesis” up and until now. What you get is over 45 minutes of pure Thrash, varying from fast and furious to quite Melodic. And the fact that these guys mean business becomes quite clear when the intro “Engelante” makes way for the opener “Path of the Wrathgod”. The band lets loose as if their last days are upon them, and it sounds bloody good.

Only when “Warning Blast” starts blasting through your speakers do you recognise where a lot of the influences that INJECTOR uses come from. That would be FLOTSAM & JETSAM, mixed with a bit of OVERKILL. There are undoubtedly a lot more bands that I could quote, but for me those are the two most distinguishable. And to be fair, INJECTOR is able to translate the peer induced ideas into rather good songs that have a very unique sound. Like I mentioned earlier, the band varies the heaviness and speeds from ultra speed to mid-tempo, and they do all of that just at the right times, making you on your toes. Your attention span doesn’t get the chance to tone itself down. Let alone diminish. Once you think it gets predictable, they throw another positive spanner in the works.

And that makes “Endless Scorn” into a very pleasant bit of Thrash Metal memorabilia to listen to. It also gives you a lot of joy, due to the way that the riffs are constructed, but more importantly, played. The positivism just radiates through it all. As for songs, the best intro by far is the SLAYER-like tune “The Executioner's Song”, which also houses choruses that sound like SUICIDAL TENDENCIES did when they were top of their class. “Never Enter the Core” has a definite PANTERA feel, and “Drag Me to the Void” could easily have been a MEGADETH track. I write this just to show you that the diversity and variations are plentiful on “Endless Scorn”. Add to that the bands I mentioned before, and you know that as a full-blooded Thrash Metal lover you need to at least have a listen to the latest INJECTOR album. I have no idea if the rest of their library is just as good, but I feel it will be fun to find out.

8 / 10









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"Endless Scorn" Track-listing:


1. Engelante
2. Path of the Wrathgod
3. Warning Blast
4. Resetting Time
5. The Executioner's Song
6. Never Enter the Core
7. Crawling One
8. Drag Me to the Void
9. The End of Eternity
10. Mindcrusher


Injector Lineup:


Dani MVN – Vocals & Guitar

Dany B – Guitar

Mafy Ayala – Vocals & Bass

Juanjo Beast – Drums


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