

INFRARED deliver altogether a good Thrash Metal album with a sound driven by good Thrash Metal riffing, cool lead guitar solos, and crushing basslines
September 30, 2024

INFRARED hailing from Ottawa, Canada were formed in 1985. The Thrash Metal band were active from 1985 to 1990 and then from 2014 onwards. Their first official release came only during their second spell, but since then they have released three full-length albums and two EPs. Their fourth album is called “Manifestation” and it was produced, mixed, and mastered by vocalist and guitarist Armin Kamal. The album has a length of about 41 minutes, and it is an independent release. The album starts with the powerful, guitar-driven two-minutes intro “Cataclysm”, transitioning into the fast traditional Thrash Metal track “Temple Of Sin”. The verse parts are fast, aggressive, and include the typical tight guitar riffing. Tempo switches to mid-tempo occur during the chorus parts. The vocals are around the medium end of the vocal range with some tonal shifts towards higher notes. The break leads into a very contributing lead guitar solo at fast tempo. Overall, “Temple Of Sin” is a great opening album song. “Nikko” slows down a bit, it is a track at a measured tempo, and it is a head-banger to start with. The melodies are orientally inspired, in particular the vocal melodies. The break accelerates a bit towards mid-tempo; however, this is the only faster part of the song. “Demon’s Blood” is a mid-tempo track with devastating guitar riffs and crunching basslines. While the verse and chorus parts maintain the same rhythm, there is an abrupt change in tempo introducing the break for the lead guitar solo. 

Pressure Syndrome” continues with the Thrash Metal attack at mid-tempo and with the crunching basslines. The riffing is aggressive and direct, while the vocals utilize a few higher notes. Highlight of the track is the two-parted, extended lead guitar solo. “The Manifest” is a short tension-building pre-lude to “Manifest Nation” and it has a strong start with flesh-ripping riffs. Eventually, the track settles into mid-tempo mode with a head-banging rhythm. The main riff of the track is simple, but very effective. There are subtle rhythm changes throughout the track. The chorus parts include background vocal support, and it adds something extra to the track. “Concuss” is another mid-tempo track. The riffing is based on classical Thrash Metal riffing, it is direct, aggressive, dark, and catchy. The melodies are chilling, in particular during the chorus parts. The lead guitar solo has again a few oriental vibes. “Concuss” is one of the album highlights, and it is no surprise that the track was released as video with the YouTube link provided below.

Reforma” slows down a bit and the song emphasizes on melodies. There are a few tempo and rhythm changes throughout the track, and there is overall a bit more technicality in the guitar work. “My Dream Are Real” starts frantic with a fast, direct, and aggressive verse part supported by the double-bass drumming. The change in tempo and rhythm for the chorus part is abrupt towards a measured tempo and a lot of twists in rhythm. “Parasite Patrol” returns to a classical Thrash Metal assault with fast and aggressive verse parts and chorus parts at mid-tempo. The riffing is tight, and the basslines are crushing. The break is played at breakneck speed and the lead guitar solo is cool and fits perfectly to the track. “Parasite Patrol” is another album highlight. “Then The Earth Goes Back” maintains the pace and aggression of the previous track at the beginning, transitioning into a dark verse part at mid-tempo with chilling melodies. The verse part is again fast, driven by the strong basslines, and with almost anthemic chorus lines. Highlight of the track is another excellent lead guitar solo. “Then The Earth Goes Back” is an excellent way to end the album.

 INFRARED deliver altogether a good Thrash Metal album. While “Manifestation” has its moments and some strong highlights, it also has its slacks. The album sound is driven by good Thrash Metal riffing, cool lead guitar solos, and crushing basslines, however, it lacks pace and aggression at times. The album is well produced. Thrash Metal fans will like what “Manifestation” has to offer and will look forward to some exciting live shows of INFRARED.

8 / 10









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"Manifestation" Track-listing:
  1. Cataclysm
  2. Temple Of Sin
  3. Nikko
  4. Demon’s Blood
  5. Pressure Syndrome
  6. The Manifest
  7. Manifest Nation
  8. Concuss
  9. Reforma
  10. My Dream Are Real
  11. Parasite Patrol
  12. Then The Earth Goes Back


Infrared Lineup:

Armin Kamal Vocals, Guitars

Kirk Gidley Guitars, Vocals

Al Groulx Drums, Vocals

Mike Forbes Bass, Vocals


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