Point Blank Termination


Another week and another debut album. This week we have the Russian Death Metal outfit […]
By Will Travers
December 10, 2020
Infiltration - Point Blank Termination album cover

Another week and another debut album. This week we have the Russian Death Metal outfit INFILTRATION and their release "Point Blank Termination". Whilst the group are young, having formed mid 2017, they have already racked up 3 releases of singles/EP's and have now dropped their first full studio album.

The artwork is a busy affair, with quite a lot going on, the focal point being a mass of figures, including the four horsemen of the apocalypse, which seem fairly apt once one inspects the track listings, as their appears to be a focus on war and domination. So, let us begin.

"Plunged Into Decimation" opens with a blistering pace and confusing introduction before delivering the assault of heavy and dense riffs and relentless blast beats. I would make a pun with the name of the track... But I think I will let it slide today. "Missing In Bodycount" continues with maximum aggression and pace flies by breathlessly we arrive at "Snipers Creed". In amongst the chaos one can really hear and identify the intricacies that are present, delightful little licks from the guitar and pounding fills from Alexey.

"Collateral Damage" puts on the brakes a bit, but with that comes a chance for each member to really shine. Evgeny appears to take this chance in his hands and produces an exceptional display of skill throughout. But that breather is short lived. As "Rabid Bloodshed" drives through my headphones at breakneck speed, there is just so much really going on, I have listened to this a few times now, each time trying to isolate an element and each time I am amazed by what I am hearing.

I'm going to leave a couple of tracks and jump to the finale, as I feel a good album will always end on a strong note, and also, I have some seriously high expectations from the title alone. The introduction has done exactly as required, my attention is grabbed, the hairs on my arms stood on end. Whilst the track may not be as fast as those seen earlier, it encompasses everything that makes a fantastic Death Metal track, with once again another fantastic solo from Evgeny towards the latter stages.

Overall, I feel that this is one hell of a debut album, all involved should be very proud of their efforts. The depth of the music and the overarching sound were phenomenal and I lookforward to seeing where INFILTRATION go from here.  

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Point Blank Termination" Track-listing:

1. Plunged Into Decimation
2. Missing In Bodycount
3. Sniper's Creed
4. Collateral Damage
5. Rabid Bloodshed
6. Missiles Over The Minefields
7. Radiation Storm
8. Absolute Brutality Of Terror

Infiltration Lineup:

Pavel Vakhlakov - Vocals
Evgeny Hök - Guitars
Andrey Kozlov - Bass
Alexey Semyonov - Drums

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