New World Outrage

Infidel Reich

Two years have passed since the release of INFIDEL REICH's "Reichenstein," a powerful first entry […]
November 22, 2021
Infidel Reich - New World Outrage album cover

Two years have passed since the release of INFIDEL REICH's "Reichenstein," a powerful first entry into the foray for a group composed of lifers. Luckily, I was able to review their debut and it can be found here: Metal Temple Infidel Reich review.  After a pandemic (or rather, still in the midst of) and a tumultuous election, the air is rife with the necessary volatility to ignite the firestorm that is the INFIDEL REICH sound. Their latest is titled "New World Outrage" and certainly picks up where the last record left off.

This is Death Metal of Death Metal lovers, pure and simple. The band themselves label their sound as "Working Class Death Metal," and it is hard to argue with such an assertion - the music speaks for itself. "Peaceful Protests," an instrumental intro opens the album up and following closely on its heels is "Sic Semper Tyrannis," a blistering first proper offering. "2020 Vision," the third track, is where the album really begins to take off. "Welcome to 2020, the year of insanity," proclaims Vincent Crowley, lead vocalist and resident occult expert (see his other band, ACHERON).

What INFIDEL REICH offers that is truly lacking in the scene today is an honest blending of the most abrasive, visceral Death Metal milieu combined with a heavy Crossover aesthetic. While I definitely do not wish to retread over past ground covered, I will reiterate how ubiquitous the CARNIVORE influence is over the proceedings. Most bands these days tiptoe around such territory in fear of the "woke mob", but there is no corner of society that INFIDEL REICH are afraid to uncover and examine. Take, for example, fifth track, "Cancel Culture," a vociferous rant against the unjust demonization of practically every facet of American society.

The production seals the deal for this album. A compelling examination of the sound can be found by peering deeply behind the curtains of sixth track, "The Divine Lie". Its methodical groove is reinforced by an almost-Doom like guitar tone that mimics the steady back forth swing of an axe. It is a thick sound, one that is impervious to trendy machinations but instead fueled by that steady dedication to old school standards.

"New World Outrate" is not the album of the year; however, it is probably the most needed release of 2021. Our hypersensitive society has bent so far backward to accommodate the feelings of its loudest, most deranged voices, that it seems on the very verge of collapse. We therefore should thank INFIDEL REICH for fighting the good fight for freedom of expression, our first guaranteed right by the Constitution and one that is under constant assault by the fringes of society. To quote the late Peter Steele, "Reich und Roll!"

8 / 10









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"New World Outrage" Track-listing:

1. Intro - Peaceful Protests
2. Sic Semper Tyrannis
3. 2020 Vision
4. Propagating Disinformation
5. Cancel Culture
6. The Divine Lie
7. N.W.O. (New World Outrage)
8. Working Class Revolt
9. Behind the Curtain
10. Berzerkers (Rise of the Infidels)

Infidel Reich Lineup:

Vincent "Dr. Reichenstein" Crowley -Vocals
McNasty - Bass
Bob Bagchus - Drums
Tony Brookhuis - Lead Guitar
Nick Brockman - Rhythm Guitar

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