Defiling a piece of the Deceased

Infested Entrails

"Defiling a piece of the Deceased" is an album that will definitely appeal to anyone […]
By Megan McMillan
December 23, 2014
Infested Entrails - Defiling a piece of the Deceased album cover

"Defiling a piece of the Deceased" is an album that will definitely appeal to anyone who likes hardcore Death Metal. From the very beginning, the listener is introduced to their brutal sound with the track, "Raped by a Zombie". The title alone suggests' INFESTED ENTRAILS' music is not lighthearted. In fact, every single title track is based around a controversial subject matter.

Expect a lot of brutal, ear crunching guitar lines with machine gun pounding drums and evil, screaming vocals from this album. There are no light-hearted or cheesy melodies. Instead you get an incredibly dark tone and fanatic chord progression that makes up most of the music here. Other than that, there's not really anything else to say about it. It's your typical modern death metal record with all the elements that you would come to anticipate from bands who play within the genre.

Although they aren't bad musicians and can hold a sturdy guitar line, the problem is that they don't have anything unique to them. The only thing that's really 'cool' about the band is their outstandingly graphic name. Other than that, their sound is totally boring and nothing you haven't heard before. There is no progression in the tracks, just the same sort of thing over and over again, however. They have potential to become true masters of Death Metal what with the epic bass drops and intense riffing going on. But they really need to find an original sound of their own in order to progress and reach out to the Death Metal fan base that already have so many similar bands.

The album cover for "Defiling a piece of the Deceased" is one of the only things they have got that is spot on. It fits the music that they are creating what with the controversial picture of a half naked lady and an evil looking man. That is gory and partly what death metal is all about.

5 / 10


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"Defiling a piece of the Deceased" Track-listing:

1. Raped by a Zombie
2. Post Mortem Indignities
3. Pregnant with Parasites
4. Avascular Necrosis
5. Born With a Barbed Wire Cock
6. Firefight Sodomy
7. Woo there, Lassie!
8. Raping the Stillborn
9. Recreational Vomit Facial
10. Necrocity

Infested Entrails Lineup:

Lyndon Southwell - Guitar
Matt Frame - Guitar
Matthew Budge - Drums
Jordan Giblett - Vocals

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