Omniabsence Filled By His Greatness
October 28, 2013

Apart from being a mouthful to try and say, "Omniabsence Filled By His Greatness" is the sixth studio album from Czech Black Metal giants INFERNO. They've had a long and busy career, with more than a few releases under their belt.
My first impressions of this album were quite good, the first track "Pervasion..." ramps up the atmospheric noises, and pulls the listener into the mood of the album which let's be right, seeing as it's Black Metal, it's not going to be sunshine and flowers. This track lets the listener know what they're going to be in for, for the remaining forty five or so minutes. Apart from this intro, there's no song under seven minutes, which is something you come to expect in this genre of music, and therein lies the problem. There's not a whole lot of variety on this album, and they're not doing anything particularly new. With so many releases over the years they've been active, you can't help but wonder if perhaps the band are just going through the motions of making albums, instead of putting any real passion into it. Another that bothered me was that the vocals seemed to get lost in the music at times, which is a shame because they're amazingly brutal, and I think if they'd been more prominent the songs would have felt more driven.
Like I've already said, for me, there just wasn't enough variety in this album. I understand staying true to the genre, but when all your songs could blend together into one, it's not exactly a good thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, the guitar and drum playing was all very good, but to me it didn't sound like it had been produced very well. The drums lacked any presence most of the times, and when you could hear them, it was to the detriment of the vocals or the guitars. It had quite the muddy feel to it, which didn't help the songs to differ from one another. I think if the individual instruments could have been more prominent, then this album could have been a whole lot better. It did seem to drag at times as well, it's quite a heavy, trudging album to listen to in one go.
Overall, it wasn't a terrible album, but it didn't do enough to make me want to check out any more of the releases by INFERNO. The album title is long, the album is long, but it's disappointing that it had to be such a chore to listen to.
5 / 10
"Omniabsence Filled By His Greatness" Track-listing:
1. Pervasion...
2. The Firstborn From Murk
3. The Funeral Of Existence
4. Revelations Through The Void
5. The Heretical Fissure Of The Most Distant End
6. Metastasis Of Realistic Visions
Inferno Lineup:
Adramelech - Vocals
Ska-Gul - Guitar
Sarapis - Drums
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