Mass Extinction Requiem 1
Infernal Outcry
October 20, 2016

This is the debut release from the band from the distant island of Tasmania! A whole lot of promise for this young band and they have solid bases.
The first song is ''Eclipsed (Edit)''. First of all, the drums, well especially the cymbals sound like crap. This is two minutes shorter than the original version of the song. The vocals are very reminiscent of Angela Gossow from ARCH ENEMY. It's a very good Technical Death Metal song and it has some pretty damn good breakdowns.
The second song is ''Eclipsed''. Nothing much more to say than the previous description beforehand except one thing, this song has clean vocals in the middle of the song which were omitted from the edited version. The clean vocals added a different aspect to the song and it gave the song some depth. The clean vocals were very reminiscent of BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME. You also have some longer solos that were also cut from the edited version as well.
The third song is ''Perfidious Genocide''. The beginning of the song sounded like ''Thorn in Your Eye'' by SLAM JAM, a mid nineties heavy metal song that was used as a opening theme for WWE Raw back in the day. It's another song topping the 7 minutes. The drums sound so much better on this one but I felt the rhythm of the song was really hectic. There are no smooth progressions like in the first song.
The fourth song is ''Jaws of Life''. It starts off with a wicked Double Bass Drum Intro and it has solid solid guitar work. Unfortunately it is quite repetitive and the chorus is quite unimaginative. The rest of the song sounds a bit like old OPETH.
The fifth song of the EP is ''Collapse and Transform''. It's another song that is longer than 7 minutes, not bad for an EP! I thought the music really reminded me some of the underrated greatness from the guys in INTO ETERNITY. I felt the vocals were a bit erratic at times but this song needed some harsh vocals and clean vocals might have ruined the whole essence of the song.
The vocalist is erratic and the production value is mediocre but the band has alot of great stuff going on. Really want to hear some more stuff from them in the near future.
7 / 10

"Mass Extinction Requiem 1" Track-listing:
1. Eclipsed (Edit)
2. Eclipsed
3. Perfidious Genocide
4. Jaws of Life
5. Collapse and Transform
Infernal Outcry Lineup:
Liana Eriksen - Vocals
Dave Lawson - Guitar
Daniel Hill - Guitar
Paul Sharp - Bass
Luke Wright - Drums
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