The End Upon Us
Infernal Curse
June 3, 2014

INFERNAL CURSE, a Argentine Black/Death band from Buenos Aires formed in 2008, have just released a new EP entitled "The End Upon Us". The artwork cover is very good which ascribes its musical aesthetics, unfortunately the music does not live up to its first impression. Actually I was quite disappointed with it. The production is not that great and therefore the outcome is what you see, very base and primitive sounding, not much variation with the guitars thus not having any melodies at all. The drums have a good speed and lots of variations and the vocals I find to be very chaotic and at times. I could not really hear it properly, perhaps because of the poor production.
I have listened to their previous work and the production was just as bad. Maybe that is how they want to sound like, perhaps performing live they can sound better than this. I hope so, but overall I find "The End Upon Us" a very primitive album lacking a bit of creativity with nothing special on it, and I do not understand why bands do covers from another band on a CD with three or four songs, makes no sense to me really.
5 / 10

"The End Upon Us" Track-listing:
1. The End Upon Us
2. Lascivious Malevolence
3. Waters Of Phlegethon
4. La Diosa Del Averno (Hadez Cover)
Infernal Curse Lineup:
Nocturnal - Guitars And Vocals
Deicidal Abominator - Bass
Bestial Offensor - Drums
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