Necessity of Unreal

Infernal Cult

All in all, INFERNAL CULT’s “Necessity of Unreal,” is a nice surprise so close to the end of the year. It’s familiar enough for fans of the genre to be accepting but unique enough to appeal to a wider audience.
October 21, 2024

INFERNAL CULT is a black metal band from Czechia, Prague who formed in 2015. Their latest release, “Necessity of Unreal,” is their second full-length album; they have also released a demo, three EPs, and a compilation. This is an interesting album because it has a raw feel to it that represents the underground, often abrasive, nature of black metal’s roots. But it has a melodic and atmospheric dynamic to it as well. However, these aspects of the band are more subtle, eschewing a traditional sense of melody for one that is woven into the fabric of the songs. While listening to the album, I never thought to myself that any one side of the band was more prevalent than the other—everything is pretty even, resulting in an experience that always sounds cohesive.

The title track begins with light usage of keys but there is a rumbling undercurrent that steadily builds up. As the drums enter the fray, the song bubbles with tension…but holds on to it to let the long intro speak for itself. Guitars, bass…layer by layer, the song builds up then finally explodes at the 1:39 mark. INFERNAL CULT are really good at creating tension then releasing but only when need be. The songs here have a firm understanding on when to hang back or to be fully aggressive. “Breaking the Patterns Carving New Stones,” opens with killer riffs and crashing drums, forgoing a long intro for a much more direct approach. The bass is pretty melodic and sticks out among the heavier elements, which I appreciate. The lead guitar generates a horror atmosphere, adding a layer of nervous energy. The vocals bark out, a maddening cadence that pushes the song forward to a melancholic mid section where the depressive melodies crash against the static riffs.

Dawn,” begins with a lot of energy, due in so small part to the tight drumming and hypnotic guitars. There is a brief pause before huge swaths of riffs wipe everything off the map. This song is a good representation of what the band is going for in this song. Musically, it alternates between subtle textures and aggressive moments, a perfect balance between speed and haunting atmosphere. The final song is “V popelu” and it is my favorite song the album. The clean, atmospheric tones that start the song grabbed me from the beginning. They have tragic feeling to them, resonating off like waves with each note. The guitars are covered in filth, matching the vocals for a two punch attack of light and darkness both. All in all, INFERNAL CULT’s “Necessity of Unreal,” is a nice surprise so close to the end of the year. It’s familiar enough for fans of the genre to be accepting but unique enough to appeal to a wider audience.

8 / 10









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" Necessity of Unreal" Track-listing:
  1. Necessity of Unreal
  2. Fiend
  3. Breaking the Patterns Carving New Stones
  4. Crossing the Path of Enlightenment
  5. Dawn
  6. Wander
  7. V popelu
Infernal Cult Lineup:

Martjern - All instruments,Vocals, Drums
Marraz - Bass
Necroth - Guitars (rhythm) Vocals
Petr Beneš - Guitars (lead)

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