Human Meridians and Cohabitant Cores


INEDIA formed way back in 2009, the hard-rock band released their sophomore album, "Human Meridians […]
By Calen Nesten
January 23, 2015
Inedia - Human Meridians and Cohabitant Cores album cover

INEDIA formed way back in 2009, the hard-rock band released their sophomore album, "Human Meridians and Cohabitant Cores" in November of 2014. Sixth grade me would have secretly liked this band, they are a mix between 90's metal like A PERFECT CIRCLE or TOOL with pinches of PEARL JAM and GODSMACK. I don't really know what to say, I don't wear Tapout T-shirts and I don't have a barbed-wire tattoo so the appeal of this band remains a mystery to me at my current age.

I kept listening because there is nostalgia in their instrumentation, it basically jumps out of the late 90's. The guitars and bass are melodic and pretty, they have a nice bite to them even when at their softest. The album seems rushed, the first track is a mind-numbing eight minutes that could easily be split into two parts. They may have been hesitant to do that because they already did that with "Neptune 1" and "Neptune 2", I found the former to be the more tolerable of the two. "Snatch in the Paper Sky", apart from having a really confusing name, is one of the album's better tracks. It really drives the idea of that 90's metal vibe home. "Human Meridians and Cohabitant Cores" is akin to those bands "you swear you never listened to" back during your pre-teen years who hold a special part in some forgotten dresser.

2 / 10

What the Hell?

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"Human Meridians and Cohabitant Cores" Track-listing:

1. Starvation
2. Carbon Cloth
3. Heat the Universe
4. Neptune (Pt. 1 The Shape)
5. Neptune (Pt. 2 The substance)
6. Snatch in the Paper Sky
7. The Golden Lines That Trace Us
8. Our Covert Scars

Inedia Lineup:

Mattia Parolin - Guitar, Vocals
Giacomo Lovato - Guitar
Marco Tosin - Bass
Luca Munaretto - Drums

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