Prey For Us


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I'm proud to present to you: INCONTINENCE; signed via Ultimate Massacre Productions, […]
By Craig Rider
September 6, 2017
Incontinence - Prey For Us album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I'm proud to present to you: INCONTINENCE; signed via Ultimate Massacre Productions, hailing from the United States of America - performing Death Metal, on their 2nd album entitled "Prey For Us". (Released May 15th, 2017)

Since formation in 2013; the quintet in question have only 1 album behind them "Infected Paranoid Minds" (released September 17th, 2014), I'm introduced to their 2nd record entitled "Prey For Us". Death Metal...some may think it's a simplistic sub-genre because of its brutal nature of guttural growl vocalization and high-tempo instrumentation, WRONG - for it takes unrelenting determination and will power to perform such overwhelming talent, and it is incredibly talented to do such a task in front of a multitude of fans as well as perfecting that role in the studio for the ultimate musical experience. Delivering 8 tracks ranging at around 48:25, the quartet provides a bludgeoning massacre of some of the most hard-hitting brutality to its maximum level - the opening track "Inner Psychopath" unleashes an intricately designed slab of solidified gruesomeness.

Consisting of David Seacord on guitars/vocals, the front man showcases a complex vocal range that has an unique individual pattern going on as the complex flexibility in his voice is comprised with oppression and savagery in mind. "The Outrage Machine" displays progressive technicality from 2nd guitarist Dave Matthews (also on vocals), constructing a sinister formula of dexterous consistency - an abundant amount of thrashing madness combined with a deadly yet furious aesthetic. "Capitalist Martyr" flourishes with a proficient songwriting adroitness and a malevolent sound production from pummeling powerhouse Eric Boyd on bass and John Glassbrenner on drums, the duo slaughter their instruments with an organic substance that's efficiently enlightening. "Phantom Heart" gave me an adrenaline-induced breakdown, with an energetic persistence that's rushed with fierce dominance and supremacy.

"Cryptofascist" has a similar convention to the aforementioned, more stimulating finesse and robust harmonic melodies that feature blast beating immensity and a substantial amount of originality and memorability in which is graced with unprecedented attributions. "Escape To The Future" excels with stunning prominence as the band flair with intrinsic grooves while incorporating an atmosphere that's well contributed to the sub-genre at hand. The titular track "Prey For Us" bestows us with more low-tempo to mid-tempo elements, implementing high-tempo solos and more of those massive, melodic structures that's essentially menacing. Concluding the record with "All That Never Was & Never Will Be", I am overall compelled to say that INCONTINENCE delivered one of the most stunning Death Metal relics of the year - all enthusiasts of the genre must give this a listen.<

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Prey For Us" Track-listing:

1. Inner Psychopath
2. The Outrage Machine
3. Capitalist Martyr
4. Phantom Heart
5. Cryptofascist
6. Escape To The Future
7. Prey For Us
8. All That Never Was & All That Will Never Be

Incontinence Lineup:

David Seacord - Guitars, Vocals
Dave Matthews - Guitars, Vocals
Eric Boyd - Bass
John Glassbrenner - Drums

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