Dead To Dust

In My Embrace

IN MY EMBRACE are a group from Sweden, formed in 2004 by veterans of numerous […]
By Andrew Sifari
February 26, 2015
In My Embrace - Dead To Dust album cover

IN MY EMBRACE are a group from Sweden, formed in 2004 by veterans of numerous other regional acts. The band bring their talents together on the debut EP "Dead To Dust Descend," combining tight musicianship with a knack for writing no-nonsense Black Metal.

The challenge with "Dead To Dust Descend" is not so much discerning the band's sound so much as keeping up with them. If it's not the merciless pounding of Tommy Holmer's drums leaving the listener gasping for breath, it's the intensity of the furious, melodic guitars combined with Johan Sjöblom's hoarse bellowing. The band members' varied backgrounds come into play nicely in this regard; not only is the musicianship top-notch, but they show a clear understanding of how to emphasize the heaviness of their compositions. It's very recognizably Black Metal, with muscular, IMMORTAL-esque riffs, but its inherent kvlt-ness (or whatever) is less of a focus. The title track sets the table excellently, pummeling and enthralling the listener in equal measure while relying solely on the main instruments rather than any atmospheric/other outside effects. Also, the production is very clean and polished without sounding mechanical, which only helps the band's instrument-centered approach deliver that much more successfully.

Where most are content to go on tirades about Satan and the various elements of winter, "Dead To Dust Descend" is primarily concentrated on pain that is real, rather than that which is imagined. Even on songs like "Nattvandraren," which has an element of the extraordinary to the lyrics, the focus seems to be more on the morality and terror of the matter at hand than. In the same way, there is nothing pretend about the power behind songs like this one, the driving, anthemic "To Forevermore," and "Av Skymning Kommen, Mot Gryning Går," one of two songs sung completely in Swedish. Strong, but never intrusive melodies have always been one of the genre's calling cards, and they are present in spades throughout, whether the band is delivering bone-crushing, distorted riffs or channeling their energies through the album's more delicate, but no less impactful acoustic pieces.

"Dead To Dust Descend" is a very solid first release, a collection of tasteful, well-written songs that compromise nothing in terms of heaviness. Simply put, these guys put the 'Metal' in Black Metal, and fans of the genre will not be disappointed.

8 / 10


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"Dead To Dust" Track-listing:

1. Dead To Dust Descend
2. To Forevermore
3. Av Skymning Kommen, Mot Gryning Går
4. Diabolical Masquerade
5. Nattvandraren
6. Remembrance
7. Bonus - Av Skymning Kommen, Mot Gryning Går (Clean)

In My Embrace Lineup:

Johan Sjöblom - Vocals, guitar
Bosse Öhman - Lead guitar, vocals
Jon Brundin - Bass
Tommy Holmer - Drums (Session)

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