Shadows In The Light


This is the seventh album of the longstanding band IMMOLATION that hails from New York […]
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
June 14, 2007
Immolation - Shadows In The Light album cover

This is the seventh album of the longstanding band IMMOLATION that hails from New York of the U.S.A. Shadows In The Light comes after the Harnessing Ruin release that saw the light of day back in 2005 and received some quite diverse reviews.
This band has been active for more than a decade and actually released the debut album Dawn Of Possession in 1991 through Roadrunner Records. Their performing style remains pretty much the same, comprising the old-school Death Metal sound through a twisted perspective. This is how Shadows In The Light sounds; the New Yorkers pave their way with the classic beast-like vocals from the crypt, blasting drum lines and almost insanely crafted guitar riffs. The band's main music influence remains the prime MORBID ANGEL works, where the unholy 'black' atmosphere surrounds the brutality of the classic Death Metal sound.
The album opens with the fast paced Hate's Plague that literally grabs the listener by the throat with the double drum pedaling and Dolan's evil and deep growling vocals. Passion Kill continues with the same drum tempo, featuring a headbanging bridge and some really catchy guitar hooks. Although the sound production is a little bit muffled, it deserves some credit for the fitting bass guitar timbre that solidifies the rhythm section. The main guitar riff in World Agony and the cutting-edge leads in Tarnished really shine and actually add some points towards music diversity that is difficult to find in most of the Death Metal releases. The tempo slows down a little bit during the ton-heavy The Weight Of Devotion and regains speed as soon as Breathing The Dark and Deliverer Of Evil kick in, featuring the dominating MORBID ANGEL black atmosphere. Shadows In The Light is a solid mid-paced track with an almost groovy rhythm, featuring Dolan's best vocal performance, comprising deep and angry vocals that will send some cold shivers down your spine. The album closes as it started, with fast and tormenting drum work, shredding guitar solos with a twist of Kerry King's tremolo and the old school-vocals.
The IMMOLATION fans will be definitely pleased with this release, that is more than capable to stand beside the prime albums and look them in the eye. The rest of the metalheads should ask themselves whether Death Metal is their cup of tea before laying their hands in this seventh IMMOLATION offer.

8 / 10


"Shadows In The Light" Track-listing:

Hate's Plague
Passion Kill
World Agony
The Weight Of Devotion
Breathing The Dark
Deliverer Of Evil
Shadows In The Light
Lying With Demons
Whispering Death

Immolation Lineup:

Bill Taylor - Guitars
Ross Dolan - Vocals, Bass
Robert Vigna - Guitars
Steve Shalaty - Drums

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