Cado Datur Verbs
August 25, 2005
Not only I am swamped 24/07 doing tons of work for lots of different stuff releases like this one must fall in my hands. Imbrue are probably the last band on the planet with not a site on the internet and if that's not enough the site of their company didn't worked (at least at the period I was doing this review). I checked the promo CD that comes in a B&W sleeve. The promo didn't included the front cover - OK this has happen in the past. BUT, the album was released (according to the promo) on November 2004! So two things: a) either the promo has a misspelling on the release date or b) someone send a two years old promo for review (not a bad thing) but didn't bother after two years at least to print a new sleeve with the front cover. Like it's my obligation to surf the internet for a front cover.
Since no one got bother for sending a good press kit I will not bother doing a lengthy review. Imbrue play C- brutal death metal that is as interesting as watching the water boiling. Lousy production (is my CD player busted or there's something wrong with the sound in this one?) - don't ask about the lyrics, though I don't think they speak about love and friendship. The fact that I have listen this twice really impressed me - I never thought I had the stamina of doing such a thing. Avoid with no hesitation.
1 / 10
Run Away!!!
"Cado Datur Verbs" Track-listing:
Red Blood Colour
Traumatos ek Pronoias
Behind the Flight of Locus
Nothingness is Her Smile
Those Calm Moments Before the Storm
The Pleasure of Pain
Given to the Worms
Imbrue Lineup:
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