

Is there someone that is into the Norwegian Black Metal scene and does not know […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
July 1, 2008
Ihsahn - angL album cover

Is there someone that is into the Norwegian Black Metal scene and does not know this man? Ihsahn has been one of the most vital parts of the Norwegian Black Metal (and not only) scene, since his signature is on bands like EMPEROR, ZYKLON-B, WONGRAVEN, THOU SHALT SUFFER and many more. Apart from all these bands, the schizophrenic may I say musician also has his own solo project where he is 100% free to compose stuff that come straight from the darkest depths of his mind (not that he is restricted in his other bands/projects).

Ihsahn released his first solo album The Adversary in 2006 showing his true skills. The madman spent some time touring with EMPEROR and when he found some time he recorded his second album, which is issued through Mnemosyne/Candlelight Records. Mnemosyne Productions is in fact a label that he and his wife run. Can Ihsahn continue with the same standards and quality? angL is the work that will prove his worth as a solo artist (not that he needs proof, but it just sounds good).

Ihsahn has managed to produce tunes that are pretty different. From his symphonic Black Metal journey with EMPEROR to his more Post and Folk experiments with HARDINGROCK and PECCATUM. Even though I was slightly disappointed with HARDINGROCK's debut release, I think that EMPEROR's frontman has managed to gather all of his influences into this project and produce something that stretches the barriers of Rock and Metal music.

Some have characterized his music extreme Progressive Metal, while others Avant Garde Black Metal. I will disagree with both terms and I will let you know from now that I will avoid trying to restrict this music under one or two simple words. So, Ihsahn with the help of two great musicians offers an album that will be a bit more attracting than his debut for every metalhead, since it is darker and heavier. Here we have to do with a more blackened work by Mr. Tveitan that bares the marks of EMPEROR. The guitars are screaming (the guitar leads in Scarab are just awesome) and the rhythm section is exactly what someone could expect from Norberg and Mickelson. Even though I might sound a bit ignorant, this could be the next EMPEROR album, since it has many of the elements that made us fall in love with the Norwegian symphonic blacksters.

Ihsahn is not only a great musician, but also an incredible composer and he proves that for one more time with an album that gets in your brain like a bullet and fucks you up! No need to comment his vocals. This guy can handle clean vocals and Black Metal screams with ease. As for the track that Mikael Akerfeldt participates, it is definitely a standout in this album. And by the way, angL is way better than the new OPETH album for sure!

8 / 10


"angL" Track-listing:

Unhealer (feat. Mikael Akerfeldt)

Ihsahn Lineup:

Ihsahn - Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards
Lars Norberg - Bass
Asgeir Mickelson - Drums

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